Time to fire things up and check out ShowEQ 6.
Thanks for keepin this stuff goin.
Type: Posts; User: Razzle
Time to fire things up and check out ShowEQ 6.
Thanks for keepin this stuff goin.
I think these are most of them. Not all tested, but it gets skittles.
[File Info]
PatchDate=Test 08/9/2018
[Memory Offsets]
Here is what I got for test. Some slightly different, but there can be more than one pointer to same offset sometimes.
[File Info]
PatchDate=Test 07/19/2018
This is close. Gets you skittles.
[File Info]
PatchDate=Test 07/12/2018
[Memory Offsets]
These should get you going on test after the patch on 5/8/18.
[File Info]
PatchDate=Test 05/08/2018
[Memory Offsets]
I haven't done this in awhile. But here is a go at test server offsets:
[File Info]
PatchDate=Test 04/24/2018
[Memory Offsets]
I might have to get out that extra rpi and play with seq some. Need to brush up on my linux some.
I was trying to think of what I would use that feature for. Now I see.
Will try and look through your changes when get a chance. I have a few myself too. I have been working more on running...
Here is what I get for latest on test. Might have missed something, but its working.
[File Info]
If I recall, ubuntu 13 no longer has support for qt3. Seq doesnt support qt4 or qt5.
In the myseq news section of boards, the latest release is stickied. It is an installer that has the server and client. After you start the server press the edit offsets and paste in new offsets. You...
Just so you know, this version of myseq is very much supported. I have not had any releases lately due to life being busy. Only coding done lately is to fix a crappy connection that has packet loss....
Our version works fine with win7. Myseq.net's does not.
Check you have g++ or c++ installed.
I run seq in vmware using ubuntu 10 or 11. Works fine in either for me. I have not done any other os besides ubuntu lately. It was just too stupidly easy to set up and worked.
My only guess is there is another eqgame.exe running. I had a ghost one left running on my computer the other day. It finds the first instance of eqgame.exe to start reading memory.
Works fine for me. Using the offsets from thread.
Just use the offsets. Leave the finder alone.
You playing on test?
If you check out from sourceforge, you need to build the configure. You can
just make the configure by doing "make -f Makefile.dist configure"
Lots can cause errors on that build. Post and...
Fireblade rocks.
Cygwin + Netbeans = Cool.
If you cannot look around the boards and find what you are looking for, odds are you are not going to have it spoon fed to you either.
As someone who used to help at p99, I am not going to help...
Works great. I picked back up my notes on getting it to work under cygwin, and have it working flawlessly. I had to change very little to get it running. Learning how to update the autoconf was...
P99 has done a lot to prevent the effectiveness of third party programs. If myseq is crashing, then it is probably because they are making it crash. Dont underestimate their ability to catch you. I...
It will be Friday or Saturday before I can look at it. Thats the best I can do.
Got a little time to play with my RPi. After getting the right packages installed in Raspbian Wheezy, it compiled and ran. I need to find my little cheapy hub to see if there are any issues with it...