Something I whipped up after quite a few hours of hunting the FM cycles. Noticed there are definetly two cycles, which I call sarnak and goblin. Nothing worthwhile really drops from the sarnak cycle (that I could ever find) so I have it commented out. Plus the "a Burynai miner" is commented because I prefer to leave case-sensitivity off, but what the filter there is for is the capitol B of the name, which I never bothered to figure out. Make a category for Hunting and you get a list of just the mobs you want to kill ;-)
Can't guarantee it's complete, but if not it's pretty damn close. There also might be one or two mobs that are in the wrong list, you can see the southwest corner has some confusion if you look into it.

# ShowEQ Filter file
# If you make changes to this file while running ShowEQ, press F3 in ShowEQ
# to reload and reapply all the filters.
# Note:  Sections end with a blank line.  Make sure the file ends with a blank
#        line as well.  This file will be updated by the program with changes
#        made while running
# All entries are POSIX style 'regular expressions' and may be 
# optionally followed by a a level range, with a format of:
# ;
# Where  may be specified as follows:
#                  # matches a single level to match
# -            # match all levels at/above min_level
# -            # match all levels at/below max_level
# - # match all levels between min_level and max_level
#                         # inclusive
# Where the  is matched against a filter string 
# constructed as follows (where things in <> are replaced with the 
# value specific to the particular item instance):
#    Name::Race::Class::NPC::X::Y::Z::
# For spawns that aren't drops/coins the string has the following added to the 
# end of the string:
#    Light::Deity::RTeam::DTeam::
# Where:
#     is the creatures transformed/pretty name, with numbers removed,
#           underscores ("_") replaced with spaces, and articles (a, an, the)
#           moved to the end of the name following a comma (",").
#     is the race name as it appears the spawn list (as per races.h).
#     is the class name as it appears in the spawn list 
#            (as per classes.h)
#     has a numeric value as follows:
#            0 = Player Spawn
#            1 = NPC Spawn
#            2 = Player Corpse
#            3 = NPC Corpse
#            4 = Unknown Spawn
#            5 = Coin
#            6 = Drop
#    , ,  are the coordinates of the MOB
#     is the type of light source the spawn is using, where:
#            CDL = Candle
#            TR = Torch
#            TGS = Tiny Glowing Skull
#            SL = Small Lantern
#            SoM = Stein of Moggok
#            LL = Large Lantern
#            FL = Flameless lantern
#            GOS = Globe of stars
#            LG = Light Globe
#            LS = Lightstone, Burnt-out lightstone, wisp stone
#            GLS = Greater Lightstone
#            FBE = Fire Beatle Eye
#            CL = Coldlight
#     is the deity name (as it appears in deity.h)
#     is the Race Team where:
#            1 = Human
#            2 = Elf
#            3 = Dark
#            4 = Short
#            5 = Other
#     is the Deity Team where:
#            1 = Good
#            0 = Neutral
#            -1 = Evil
#            2 = Other

# [Hunt] is the section for spawns you are hunting.
# Spawns appear with a large, dim circle.
# See the examples section below for details.

#sarnak cycle
#Name:rabid brute, a
#Name:Sarnak warlord, a
#Name:Sarnak mystic, a
#Name:berserk brute, a
#Name:diseased brute, a
#Name:Sarnak scavenger, a
#Name:Bloodscale the Vicious
#Name:Sarnak rebel, a
#Name:Sarnak assassin, a
#Name:mangy brute, a
#Name:Burynai treasure seeker
#goblin cycle
Name:burynai squad leader
#Name:[B]urynai miner, a
Name:goblin dustscryer, a
Name:goblin chieftain, a
Name:Miner Bordakn
Name:goblin coward, a
Name:goblin prospector, a
Name:goblin herbcollector, a
Name:Burynai grand cenobite
Name:goblin iksar slayer
Name:wandering stonehealer, a
Name:mountain giant prospector
Name:Overseer Miklek
Name:goblin scavenger, a
Name:goblin raider, a
Name:goblin trailblazer, a

# [Caution] is the section for things you want to avoid.
# Spawns appear with a flashing yellow circle on the map and will be 
# underlined in the spawn list.
# If the spawn gets with 500 ticks, a yellow line will point to it.
# See the examples section below for details.


# [Danger] is the section for spawns that you really want to be nowhere near.
# Spawns appear with a flashing red circle on the map and will be 
# underlined in the spawn list.
# If the spawn gets with 1000 ticks, a yellow line will point to it.
# If the spawn gets with 500 ticks, a flashing red line will point to it.
# See the examples section below for details.


# [Locate] is the section for rares you are searching for.
# Spawns appear with a flashing white circle on the map and are italicized 
# in the spawn list.
# A solid white line points to it constantly.
# See the examples section below for details.


# [Alert] is the section for spawns you wish whose presense you wish to be 
# alerted to.  Alerted spawns will appear in bold in the spawn list.
# Information will be displayed to the console window if Filters_AlertInfo is 1
# A system beep will be dispatched if Filters_SpawnFilterAudio is set to 1
# And the command specified by Filters_SpawnAudioCommand, 
# Filters_DeathAudioCommand, and Filters_DeSpawnAudioCommand will be executed
# upon spawn appearance, death, and despawning respectively.
# See the examples section below for details.


# [Filtered] is the section for spawns that you don't care about and don't
# wish to appear on the map.  They will appear grey in the spawn list.
# See the examples section below for details.
