fee (floyd) (10/03/02)
+ version 4.2.15
New Features:
GuildMgr Class
captures guilds2.dat from worldserver
reads the regular eq client guilds2.dat (File->Reload Guilds File)
dump a plain text list of guild id to guild tag (Debug->List/Dump Guild Info)
filter and category support for spawnlists(regex on 'Guild:')
map tip support
spawnlog support, guild id added as last field in the output
random clean ups
new guildlist structs
updated charprofilestruct
spells.h regenerated from current spells_en.txt
applied patch[604874] - thanks to Bonkers D Bobcat (bonkersbobcat)
Info for the FAQ
Inorder for Showeq to map guild ID to guild Tag the guilds2.dat file must be present in the LOGDIR (e.g. /usr/local/share/showeq/ )
Showeq can capture this data from the world server and write the file. To do this, have Showeq running at the World Select Menu and the guilds2.dat file will be captured while waiting at the Character Select Screen.
Optionally you can copy this file from your EQ Client directory to your Showeq directory.
The guilds2.dat file will be read into memory 1) when the file is captured from the worldserver or 2) File -> Reload Guilds File.
The Guilds2.dat can be viewed in plain text by using the 2 options on the Debug menu, Dump/List Guild Info. Dump Guild Info will write LOGDIR/guilds.txt by default, can be overriden in the config file.
To Filter on a Guild Tag use the regex 'Guild:' (e.g. Guild:Legacy) You can do this in the Find box or by category
Please add this info to the FAQ.