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Thread: C++ Rad (Builder) front end to sniffer

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Nov 2002

    C++ Rad (Builder) front end to sniffer

    For those of you not using microsloth and wanting to have a nifty windows based sniffer - I took the time to throw it into builder ..

    Attached is a zip containing the project - source files and all

    I was using version 6 for this - not sure if it would work on lower end versions...

    What it does:

    1. opens and scans for a configuration - reads the config if there is one.

    2. scans eq for the current offset and displays this to the user

    3. lets you enter the host address - port number - and interval in milliseconds you want to scan the memory.

    4. click the button to start the scan.

    If you want to save your setting click File->Save settings...

    I would change the registry keys and such to make sure that it's not a simple thing to find for Verant - OR just never save your settings...

    I don't like VB - and I don't work well in it - so this is much nicer to me - and you can modify change the code based on other C++ solutions here if that is your thing ya know...

    *edit* for some reason this code makes you loose your DNS once you start sending keys - I'm debugging now - grrrrrr....

    *edit2*fixed - apparently the socket didn't like being opened and closed so often so I changed the location of the open/close calls - it's working fine now.
    Last edited by The Mad Poet; 11-24-2002 at 08:18 PM.
    Quothe the raven, "Nevermore!" - Poe

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    er - attaching the file - forgot to delete my linker objects and it was too big the first time *DOH*

    *edit* new file
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by The Mad Poet; 11-24-2002 at 08:17 PM.
    Quothe the raven, "Nevermore!" - Poe

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    ahh and here is the source for those who want to critique...

    Everything is generic so if you wanted to cut/paste this just add the right objects to your form - I didn't change the names just for this reason...

    The main file...

    #include <vcl.h>
    #pragma hdrstop

    #include "socket_key_gen_main.h"
    #pragma package(smart_init)
    #pragma resource "*.dfm"
    TForm1 *Form1;
    __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
    : TForm(Owner)

    void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
    // Create a registry object to read/write registry settings

    TRegistry *RegKey = new TRegistry;

    // This string will be used for the location of the registry settings - it is the
    //root of the settings key we will use
    //AnsiString is a Builder string that emulates the Pascal string class and it's very handy

    AnsiString RegLoc = "\\Software\\seq";

    // Open the registry and check if the key is there - returns true if it is
    // false otherwise - the false in the call specifies we do not want to create the key
    // with this open - we will create the key later with the save settings feature

    // NOTE - I use try/catch to make sure any pointers to the registry are closed - we
    // don't want to cause any corruption of the registry as it's too important
    // You will want to change the key to avoid detection by Verant...
    if (RegKey->OpenKey(RegLoc, false))
    // Read the registry - this is done with ReadString taking values from the current key
    // We set these values to our forms display controlls

    Form1->Edit2->Text = RegKey->ReadString("SendInterval");
    Form1->Edit1->Text = RegKey->ReadString("HostAddress");
    Form1->Edit3->Text = RegKey->ReadString("Port");

    delete RegKey;

    int pattern[] = { 0xc1, 0xe0, 0x08, 0x99, 0x09, 0x05 };
    FILE *fp;
    int c;
    unsigned int pos = 0;
    unsigned int last = sizeof pattern / sizeof (int) - 1;
    unsigned long offset = 0;
    fp = stdin;
    if ((fp = fopen("c:\\program files\\everquest\\eqgame.exe", "rb")) != NULL)
    while ( (c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
    if (c == pattern[pos])
    if (pos == last)
    pos = 0;

    if (c != EOF)
    /* next four bytes will be the key offset as a little-endian long */
    for (pos = 0; pos <= 3; pos++)
    if ( (c = getc(fp)) == EOF )
    offset = (offset>>8) | (c << 24);
    Edit4->Text = "0x" + IntToHex((int)offset,sizeof(offset));
    //Form1->Offset = IntToStr(offset);
    // clean up the pointer that we created up top so we don't worry about any loose memory holes


    void __fastcall TForm1::Exit1Click(TObject *Sender)

    void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
    // Set the first timer to true and start scanning for the EQ PID
    Timer2->Enabled = false;
    Timer1->Enabled = true;
    UdpSocket1->RemoteHost = Edit1->Text;
    UdpSocket1->RemotePort = Edit3->Text.ToInt();
    if (!UdpSocket1->Active)


    void __fastcall TForm1::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender)
    // This is the first timer object - this will start scanning for the PID of the eqgame
    // Specified by the timer interval property of the Timer object
    // This is set at design time for 10000 ms
    HANDLE hProcessSnap = NULL;
    PROCESSENTRY32 pe32 = {0};
    Form1->StatusBar1->Panels->Items[0]->Text = "Scanning for eqgame...." ;

    // Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
    hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);

    if (hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    throw ("Invalid Handle");

    // Fill in the size of the structure before using it.
    pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);

    if (Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32))

    LPSTR pCurChar;
    char pName[512];

    // strip path and leave exe filename
    for (pCurChar = (pe32.szExeFile + strlen (pe32.szExeFile)); *pCurChar != '\\' && pCurChar != pe32.szExeFile - 1; --pCurChar)

    strcpy(pName, pCurChar);

    if ( (strncmp (pName, "testeqgame", 10) == 0) || (strncmp (pName, "eqgame", 6) == 0) )
    AnsiString pid;
    pid.printf("found eqgame - pid = %u\n\n", pe32.th32ProcessID);
    Form1->StatusBar1->Panels->Items[0]->Text = pid; // Set status bar to show PID
    Form1->hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pe32.th32ProcessID);
    if (hProcess == NULL)
    DWORD dw;
    dw = GetLastError();
    AnsiString error = "Open Process Failed, Error: " + dw;
    Application->MessageBox( (error.c_str()), "Error", MB_OKCANCEL + MB_DEFBUTTON1);
    Timer2->Interval = Edit2->Text.ToInt(); // set the 2nd timer interval - this is where we send the key
    Timer2->Enabled = true; // enable the 2nd timer
    Timer1->Enabled = false; // disable this timer
    while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32));
    } //end if(Process32First)

    CloseHandle (hProcessSnap);

    void __fastcall TForm1::Timer2Timer(TObject *Sender)
    unsigned __int64 addr;
    unsigned __int64 key = 0xffffffffffffffff;

    addr = Edit4->Text.ToInt();

    if (ReadProcessMemory (hProcess, (void *)addr, &key, 8, NULL) == 0)
    AnsiString error;
    error.printf("ReadProcessMemory on 8 bytes at 0x%08x failed: %u\n", addr, GetLastError());
    Form1->StatusBar1->Panels->Items[1]->Text = error;
    AnsiString FormatStatusbar;
    FormatStatusbar.printf("Session key:\t0x%016I64x\n", (unsigned __int64) key);
    Form1->StatusBar1->Panels->Items[1]->Text = FormatStatusbar;
    void *buf = &key;
    // UdpSocket1->Close();
    delete buf;

    void __fastcall TForm1::BitBtn1Click(TObject *Sender)
    //Edit4->Text = Form1->Offset;

    void __fastcall TForm1::SaveCurrentSettings1Click(TObject *Sender)
    TRegistry *RegKey = new TRegistry;
    AnsiString RegLoc = "\\Software\\seq";

    if (RegKey->OpenKey(RegLoc, true))
    delete RegKey;


    void __fastcall TForm1::FormClose(TObject *Sender, TCloseAction &Action)

    The header file...

    #ifndef socket_key_gen_mainH
    #define socket_key_gen_mainH
    #include <Classes.hpp>
    #include <Controls.hpp>
    #include <StdCtrls.hpp>
    #include <Forms.hpp>
    #include <ExtCtrls.hpp>
    #include <NMUDP.hpp>
    #include <Menus.hpp>
    #include <registry.hpp>
    #include <iostream.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ComCtrls.hpp>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    //#include <winsock2.h>
    #include <tlhelp32.h>
    #include <Buttons.hpp>
    #include <Sockets.hpp>
    //#include <ws2tcpip.h>
    //#include <time.h>

    class TForm1 : public TForm
    __published: // IDE-managed Components
    TTimer *Timer1;
    TEdit *Edit1;
    TEdit *Edit2;
    TEdit *Edit3;
    TButton *Button1;
    TEdit *Edit4;
    TLabel *Label1;
    TLabel *Label2;
    TLabel *Label3;
    TLabel *Label4;
    TMainMenu *MainMenu1;
    TMenuItem *Settings1;
    TMenuItem *SaveCurrentSettings1;
    TMenuItem *Exit1;
    TMenuItem *Help1;
    TMenuItem *About1;
    TStatusBar *StatusBar1;
    TTimer *Timer2;
    TUdpSocket *UdpSocket1;
    void __fastcall FormCreate(TObject *Sender);
    void __fastcall Exit1Click(TObject *Sender);

    void __fastcall Button1Click(TObject *Sender);
    void __fastcall Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender);
    void __fastcall Timer2Timer(TObject *Sender);
    void __fastcall BitBtn1Click(TObject *Sender);
    void __fastcall SaveCurrentSettings1Click(TObject *Sender);
    private: // User declarations
    AnsiString SendInterval;
    AnsiString HostAddress;
    AnsiString Port;
    AnsiString Offset;
    public: // User declarations
    __fastcall TForm1(TComponent* Owner);
    HANDLE hProcess;

    int SendSessionKey ( unsigned __int64 SessionKey );
    void ReadKey (HANDLE hProcess);
    int scanproclist (void);

    extern PACKAGE TForm1 *Form1;

    Thanks to those who made the find offset code and read key code as I really just wrapped around these....

    If you want to try it - Borland offers a free trial of Builder on the web site for download - works for 60 days - and it's fully functional..

    I would say go try it - as I find it to be the best C++ windows enviornment out there - VB speed of dev. without the basic.. *GRIN*....

    *edit* new code
    Last edited by The Mad Poet; 11-24-2002 at 08:20 PM.
    Quothe the raven, "Nevermore!" - Poe

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