My setup is about as close to Yooish's as it gets (same software levels and almost the same processors/ram) with about the same issue. When I click "GO" I get a "Can't find map" (or something close to that. I'm at work now so don't remember exactly.) error box. No spawn list, no map. I can manually load a map but that's about it. It's not a "locking up" issue. Seems to connect to the server fine.

I started testing in a LoY zone and even tried an old world zone with the same results. The last time I saw everything work perfectly was CMB's first version ever of it. I haven't played much with it until I saw the LoY support was in today! I was soooo bummed when it didn't fire right up.

Any ideas?

(Even if I never get it working, I just wanted to say GREAT JOB CMB! Definately a SHANAZZY tool!)
