If you play with them, you should be able to make any linksys 10/100 "hub" behave as such. By merely hooking up your 10mbit hub to it (nothing else hooked to it, you just need a 10mbit connection on it) it should work.

I have something like this, an 8 port 10/100 "hub" with an old unused 10mbit router plugged in makes the 100mbit portion into a real hub. its a kludge, but it works.

Actually, its even more complicated than that ;p

To get the file sharing performance, I have an 8 port switch with all my workstations hooked to it (linksys). That daisy chains to an 8 port 10/100 "hub". On this "hub" is two packet sniffers (one for daoc and one for eq), the uplink to my 4 port router and that 10mbit old unused router i mentioned earlier. I don't even want to TRY and draw a picture of that, but it works