I've done a CVS commit of my current sources in preperation for tommorrows patch. It has a lot more of the opcodes and structures updated to the 08/26/03 EQ state which should make it easier to hunt down the new ones after tommorrows LDoN EQ patch.
It should be appearing on the pserver and ViewCVS server in about 24 hours.dohpaZ (09/8/03)
+ Updated version to 4.3.11
+ More updates related to 08/26/03 patch new opcodes and structure changes
+ Added support for logging raw packets as well as decoded packets
+ Applied patch #799386 (Change con tables) from Elyon (elyon) to fix con levels
Due to the sad state of SourceForges' pserver access to CVS I have created a tarball release of the 4.3.11 ShowEQ sources.
The ShowEQ 4.3.11 tarball contains all of the latest changes and may be found here in the ShowEQ Files section.
Users of my previous release (4.3.10) may choose to just apply the patch attached to this message to it, instead of regetting the entire thingl
Zaphod (dohpaZ)