CVS commit of ShowEQ 5 Beta 5 (aka ShowEQ,
It works with 02/10/04 EQ Live (GoD).
This is a BETA release. The latest stable release remains ShowEQ 4.3.19.
dohpaZ (02/11/04)
- Updated version to
- Updated to work with 02/10/04 EQLive
- Added Beserker class
- Added Gate of Discord (GoD) maps.
- Integrated patch #893070 "Races Update (GoD)" by curioseq
- Minor fix to guild member list online member count tracking.
- Make sure to cleanup guild list/shell when shutting down
- Added special map icon for zone doors.
NOTE: ShowEQ now requires Qt 3.1 or higher.
NOTE: You must use eqstr_us.txt for formatted strings (instead of eqstr_en.txt).
NOTE: You must use spells_us.txt for spell information (instead of spells_en.txt).
NOTE: Don't forget to do a 'make -f Makefile.dist', 'configure', 'make', and last but definitely not least 'make install'.
This release has been tested to compile and run on stock RedHat 9, Fedora Core 1, and Gentoo 1.4.
ShowEQ 5 Beta 5 is should be available on the CVS pserver and the ViewCVS server in the pre_5_0_beta branch within the next few hours. To retrieve the latest beta from CVS use the following command:
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/seq
$ cvs login
$ cvs co -r pre_5_0_beta showeq
Once's CVS servers sync up those who already installed the ShowEQ Beta 4 tarball or retrieved it from CVS should be able to do a CVS update in their showeq directory using the following commands:
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/seq
$ cvs login
$ cvs update
Because so many of you like them... I've created a tarball for this release. The ShowEQ tarball contains all of the latest changes and may be found here in the ShowEQ Files section.
Zaphod (dohpaZ)