CVS commit of ShowEQ 5 Beta 6 (aka ShowEQ,
It works with 02/10/04 EQ Live (GoD).
This is a BETA release. The latest stable release remains ShowEQ 4.3.19.
dohpaZ (02/14/04)
- Updated version to
- Patch to fix QCursor issue.
- More updates to work with 02/10/04 EQLive
- Added the "Dockable" sub-menu to the View menu to control the dockability of various windows.
NOTE: ShowEQ now requires Qt 3.1 or higher.
NOTE: You must use eqstr_us.txt for formatted strings (instead of eqstr_en.txt).
NOTE: You must use spells_us.txt for spell information (instead of spells_en.txt).
NOTE: Don't forget to do a 'make -f Makefile.dist', 'configure', 'make', and last but definitely not least 'make install'.
This release has been tested to compile and run on stock RedHat 9, Fedora Core 1, and Gentoo 1.4.
ShowEQ 5 Beta 6 is should be available on the CVS pserver and the ViewCVS server in the pre_5_0_beta branch within the next few hours. To retrieve the latest beta from CVS use the following command:
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/seq
$ cvs login
$ cvs co -r pre_5_0_beta showeq
Once's CVS servers sync up those who already installed the ShowEQ Beta 5 tarball or retrieved it from CVS should be able to do a CVS update in their showeq directory using the following commands:
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/seq
$ cvs login
$ cvs update
Because so many of you like them... I've created a tarball for this release. The ShowEQ tarball contains all of the latest changes and may be found here in the ShowEQ Files section.
Zaphod (dohpaZ)
P.S. I'm hoping to get an updated ShowEQ 4.x out on Monday.