Announcing the release of ShowEQ version 5.2.5. This release is compatible with Live Servers as of 1/18. If you are on 5.2.4, you'll notice the maps are taking awhile to load after today's patch. This fixes that. I'd recommend you update!
You're also getting some of the changes I put in over Christmas to handle shrouds. Now when other people shroud, they will update properly in the spawnlist and map. When you shroud yourself, the spawnlist and map will likewise update with your new level and class and such. If you see any problems, speak up please. This wasn't an insignicant change, but it wasn't that huge either.
Fetch the new release from the files section of sourceforge, or if you prefer to use anoncvs, go download the first couple episodes of this seasons 24 while you wait for sourceforge's fickle mirroring to reach the anoncvs server. Or if you don't watch the Office, go download that. It's hilarious! Sorry, I'm getting offtrack here.purple (1/18/06)
+ Updated version to
+ Split a lot of charProfileStruct out into playerProfileStruct
+ Added opcode OP_Shroud for when someone shrouds when you're in the zone or you shroud yourself
+ Added a SpawnShell handler for OP_Shroud so that it properly see all the spawn changes when a spawn shrouds for both you shrouding and others shrouding
+ Added an ItemDB handler for OP_Shroud so that it properly sees items that come across when you shroud yourself
+ Fixed timestamps on the terminal to show up when you don't have a preference set for the timestamp format
+ Added session's max length to the network diagnostics window
+ Updated charProfileStruct for 1/18/2006 Live Compatibility
To install:
If you have problems with ./configure, try:$ tar xjvf showeq-
$ cd showeq-
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
If you use a package for your distribution, I imagine it will be along shortly.$ LIBC=gnu ./configure