Announcing the release of MySEQ Open 2.2.3. The installer can be downloaded from the files section on sourceforge.

Release Version 2.2.3
Dated 28 July 2011

  1. Updated myseqserver.ini offsets to EQLive release dated 7-18-2012
  2. Single left clicking the minimized system tray icon will no longer restore the server. This is to help prevent accidently restoring the server when running EQ in windowed mode.
  3. Double left clicking the minimized system tray icon will now restore the server to being visible.
  4. Server config parameters will be stored in config.ini. This is separate from the offsets ini file.
  5. Added option to start up the server minimized. This option is accessible on the pull down menu from the minimized system tray icon. It can also by edited directly using the StartMinimized parameter in the config.ini file.
  6. Moved the Smart Offset Finder search patterns and masks into the config.ini. They are no longer hard coded in the source.

