Announcing the release of MySEQ Open 2.3.0. The installer can be downloaded from the files section on sourceforge.

Release Version 2.3.0
Dated 11 February 2013

Server Changes

  1. Added some optimizations to server code. The server code is not very cpu intensive already, but this saved 20-40% when testing.
  2. Fixed a bug that would cause the client/server to get out of sync.
  3. Changed how server/client interact when switching characters between multiple EQ sessions. This requires both the client and server to be updated to 2.3.0 or higher to work correctly. This fixes an issue that caused the client/server connection to be lost while switching characters.
  4. Improved the detection for a running eqgame.exe process. This should require less stopping and restarting the client connection to maintain a MySEQ session operating.

Client Changes

  1. The positions.xml, which stores the docking windows locations and positions, will now be stored in the application data folder.
  2. The prefs.xml and myseq.xml will also be stored in the application data folder now too.
  3. Timers will no longer be loaded or saved for certain zones like guild lobby, nexus, poknowledge.
  4. The character selection in the pull down menu should now show the correct character checked.
  5. Fixed a bug that would cause the character selection menu to not list all the characters available to select.
  6. Fixed a bug that would cause the data stream between the client/server to become corrupted when switching characters.
  7. Removed the refresh list from the character selection menu as it is updated when the menu is pulled down automatically.
  8. Added to the options menu the ability to show the current character name in the application title right after the map name.
  9. Changed the way the server/client interact when running multiple clients and switching between them. This requires using the new server version to work correct.
  10. The level override in the options is no longer limited to having a max value of 85.
  11. The zone name in the window title will now come from what is looked up in the zones.ini file, when the map is loaded.
