CVS Commit with a bunch of patches and other modifications.

dohpaZ (16/03/02)
Patches Applied:
  • #514219 "Container Item Struct modifications" by countzer0 (Steven Kordik)
  • #516830 "Spell timer coloring" by worried (John Bar)
  • #517655 "door struct fix (take 2)" by mvern (Wyvern)
  • #526644 "ToolTips Coordinate Fix" by darkgrue (Dark Grue)

Modifications:[list][*]Minor itemdb cleanup, removed dead code[*]Minor modification to patch #516830 results:
  1. Added check for duration > 120 to make sure it's black
  2. Modified to "else if" format for performance[/list=1]
  3. Minor tweaks to EQPacket to support directly setting/getting playback speed
  4. Added Network Diagnostics dialog netdialog.{cpp,h} to make certain network diagnostics more visible, and to allow more direct control of the playback of recorded files.
  5. Made the status bar default to visible if any of it's widgets are visible
  6. Updated showeq.conf.dist to add the missing StatusBarActive option to Interface_StatusBar

Zaphod (dohpaZ)