that should force the match to only the name field, instead of the name field and everything after.Code:Name:.*scalewrought monitor:Race:
that should force the match to only the name field, instead of the name field and everything after.Code:Name:.*scalewrought monitor:Race:
Last edited by cn187; 12-16-2024 at 11:16 AM.
Okay... I tried that and it did not detect the named. But since I reverted back to the original, it detects the named but it is not detecting the mobs with "Race: Scalewrought Monitor" anymore. So I don't really know why it was doing that before and not now. I was trying to get rid of it and every time i took monitor out, it stopped detecting those Race mobs. I must be losing it. Here it is currently:
Code:Name:.*Kellis the Young Name:.*scalewrought administrator Name:.*scalewrought archseer Name:.*scalewrought foreman Name:.*scalewrought monitor Name:.*scalewrought operator Name:.*scalewrought skykeeper Name:.*scalewrought skysearer Name:.*scalewrought vitalmancer
Last edited by Loki; 12-22-2024 at 10:59 AM.
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