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Thread: Trouble getting SEQ to see local client

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Trouble getting SEQ to see local client

    I'm running SEQ on Garuda (an arch variant) as well as EQ through Crossover. SEQ seems to have compiled and run just fine but it doesn't seem to pick up the EQ client though it's watching what should be the correct network interface. I've been away from the game and therefore SEQ for about a decade so I'm pretty sure I'm missing / forgetting something stupid. Below is a capture of the console output which seems to say that it's seeing the client but that's as far as it gets. Any help would be appreciated.

    Warning: Could not restore dock/window geometry.  Rearrange windows as desired and then re-save preferences
    Warning: Could not restore dock/window state.  Rearrange windows as desired and then re-save prefrences
    Warning: EQStr: Failed to open '/usr/local/share/showeq/eqstr_us.txt'
    Warning: EQPacket: Unhandled net opcode 2400, stream zone-client, size 5
    Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and ether proto 0x0800 and host and not 
    broadcast and not multicast
    Info: EQPacket: SessionDisconnect detected, awaiting next zone session,  pcap filter: EQ Client
    Info: Listening for next client seen. (you must zone for this to work!)
    Info: Filtering packets on device enp43s0, searching for EQ client...
    Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and ether proto 0x0800 and not broadcast and not m
    Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and ether proto 0x0800 and host and not 
    broadcast and not multicast
    Info: EQPacket: SessionDisconnect detected, awaiting next zone session,  pcap filter: EQ Client

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Trouble getting SEQ to see local client

    You're trying to detect a client on localhost, but you've got the capture interface set to the ethernet adapter. Go to "Network->Set Device" and try setting it to "lo".

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Re: Trouble getting SEQ to see local client

    Loopback device didn't work. Though I finally got it to come up this morning by going back to the ethernet device and telling to specifically watch the ip address of the local machine rather than trying to let it detect. Been a long time since I've used it and never remembered having to do that before, seems the detect next usually worked just fine. Oh well thanks for the input, I at least have it working now so all is good .

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