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Thread: problems with befallen

  1. #1
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    problems with befallen

    I seemed to have a problem with Befallen. It wouldnt show me any of the mobs. Just the doors and myself.

    I was trying to PL a friend and though befallen might be a good start. So I zoned in first and then had him zone in shortly afterward (to get SEQ to decode). Anyway, it only showed myself (with the correct decoded info) and a bunch of drops (ie the doors and stuff). None of the spawns appeared, not even as unknown. The zone decoded, but my friend didnt even show up on SEQ.

    I camped and came back...still the same problem. I camped and killed SEQ, restarted both and still the same thing.

    Zoned back out to WC and everything was back to normal. Zoned back into befallen and again nothing.

    I dont know if this was a fluke or what, but someone should check it out.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Fluke or more likely takes a bloody while to decode a zone with little traffic. Same thing happens in Neriak late at night and Oggok and other cities of little use. Try being patient, kill stuff and wait for the spawns to help in finding the key.

  3. #3
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    blue knows what he is doing, i don't think he would be mentioning this if he thought it was due to it being a low traffic zone (he says he sees himself and doors decoded correctly, due to his friend zoning in second).

    maybe sometime i'll stop by befallen and see... assuming i can pull myself away from Delphi Web Scripting for Xylobot and my fun with char control :)

  4. #4
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Even if it didnt decode (which it did) there should be Unknowns. There wasnt. I thought it might be my filters, but my friend didnt even show up.

    When I get some time, I will go back there and check it out again. Maybe I do have a problem with that zone filter and it is filtering EVERYTHING. Even so, I thought that the filtered mobs would still show up in ALL tab, or would appear in the filtered tab. Nothing showed up except for the doors and myself.

    Ill also reboot my server and see if that helps.

    Wonder if Verant is trying something new...

  5. #5
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    Probably a stupid question but, do you have "Spawn Depth Filtering" on?

  6. #6
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    Well then that isn't unique to just Befallen. That also happens to me in Neriak and Oggok. No spawns show up till decoded and just a lot of doors are on the map in the meantime. So it is quite possible that it is just SEQ taking time to find the key in a low NPC, low traffic zone.

  7. #7
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Ill go check it out tonight to either narrow down what it might be or to see if it was some stupid problem on my part.

    We cleared the whole top floor and had a couple repop (was about 10-15 min). My stats showed up fine...showed my correct level and and such just no NPCs or PCs. I had killed a few skeletons myself but forgot to check the xp window and the output window.

    I will check the depth filter, but Im positive I dont have it on.

    Maybe it was a network latency problem (lag).

    If I still have problems tonight, Ill ask if someone else could check to see if it is just me.

  8. #8
    Developer Ratt's Avatar
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    It doesn't sound like this is the case for you, however I have noticed that currently:

    If you zone and then zone again before your bank/equipment is decoded SEQ will get too far backed up with conflicting data and never display those mobs in the zone.

    The only solution to this currently is to wait until all the bank/equipment is decoded and SEQ is humming along (without mobs displayed) and then zone again. Or restart SEQ and zone (obviously) ...

    This _MIGHT_ be what's happening for you, but it doesn't sound like it.

    I'll try to drop by Befallen tonight and see if I can duplicate your problem.

  9. #9
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    I checked it out tonight and it worked fine.

    It might have been a combination of stuff that caused the problem I had.

    I did reboot my server (uptime 63 days). It might have been what Ratt had said about the bank. I did zone out, saw wc decode, zoned back in and then killed the first floor...It might have hung it for that zone.

    Anyway...sorry to raise a false alarm.

    Heh...even on my low level (24) twink, every mob is green.

  10. #10
    Registered User lildr00d's Avatar
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    Red face

    I know this may sound stupid but I will ask anyways.

    It might be handy to add a "Reset" button or something of that sort. I may be in a unique situation. I have 3 pc's 2 with EQ and 1 for SEQ. I have a keyboard going thru a KVM between the 2nd EQ and haveing a button to reset all data. Basically a button that clears all data like closeing SEQ and opening it again would do.

    Or even simpler haveing a little green light somewhere that lights up when the bank/inventory list is decoded. I know I for one do fast zone outs and back in. (Like Chardok, and Seb) to clear agro.

    If this sounds really dumb or has no real value I will drop it. Just a thoght.

  11. #11
    Registered User AlphaBeta's Avatar
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    Well I seem to have thos problem allot and in all Zones.. I can sone in and not get any mobs on the screen, or I can zone in and get all unknown mobs, or I can zone in and get a mix of mobs and unknowns. Other times it works just fine so I don't know whats going on.


  12. #12
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    I have the same problems at times, seems to happen more often in zones with little activity. Sometimes zone dancing fixes it, and sometimes I just camp, restart SEQ and log back in. This almost always works, but that is just my observation. And BTW, I play a mage, so making a pet to pop the zone is not the issue with me, I do that all the time, even if I'm just passing through (You stay here Jabartik, I'll go check things out. Yes, I'll be back for you. I promise... Loading, please wait...).
    Say no to sig.

  13. #13
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    I have had this same thing happen in Karnor's on a busy night. Definitely not due to a lack of respawns. I had two different machines running SEQ and neither ever decoded. Bop out into Dreadlands and everything decodes immediatly, back into KC and nothing. Next evening, everything is fine. I'll try restarting SEQ before zoning and see what happens there. Anyone gain any insight into this recently?

  14. #14
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    I havent had a problem since that night. It might have been that I had a memory leak or that my server just needed to be re-booted (it was up for quite a bit of time).

    Try that and see if it helps. I think it did for me.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  15. #15
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    My new SEQ server is rebooted daily (anyone know how to make cheap macromedia kids games run under linux ) I also have another backup machine running linux in parallel. When this happens, it happens on both simultaneously. Makes me think it is something more than just a memory leak.

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