I have been experimenting with my xp rate/minute.

Using the XP calculator and the xp/minute I have observed different combinations of groups, zones, pull rates, etc and the best possible combinations. Number of Blues/hour are just too ambiguous to be accurate.

My current rate is 50,000XP/Minute sustatined over the course of several hours straight. This includes any time neccessary for buffs, medding, etc...which in this case was minimal. The group consisted of myself 56, a shamman 53, and a monk 52. We were fighting lvl 40-43 mobs constant pulls.

This rate yields about 1 blue/hour at 56 or 1 yellow/hour aa.

My question is...barring AE groups which obviously blow this rate out of the water, has anyone found better areas that beat this rate? I have come close solo but cant sustain that rate for any length of time without having to med.