Sort of off topic but closely related to SEQ.

I've downloaded RH 7.3 at work using three iso files and burning them onto CD's. The burner I have is a little old so it did not automatically convert the iso files into usable data files. Basically it just burned them straight across so now I have three CD's, each with a 637 MB iso file on them. I've also made a bootable 3.5 diskette.

Can I use these cd's with the iso files to install RH or do I need to convert them to regular data files before I try to install? In other words can I pop my boot disk in, start the install process and then just use these cd's with iso files to install RH?

Sorry if this seems ignorant. I did some searching and found that other burning software (such as Nero) will coinvert the iso files automatically but my HP software (MyCD) won't do this. I'm not sure where else to turn to convert them as I don't have Admin privledges at work so I can't install my own software.

