I'm trying to upgrade the old 10mbit hub I'm currently using, and can't for the life of me find a hub (100mbit =P) that's not really a switch. I'm using a cheap linksys router from CompUSA, and would like to keep using it, because it can be on 24/7 without driving up the powerbill, and I dual boot the linux box I use to run showeq and my other EQ acct. (whilst there probably is a nat server for win98 but I'm not getting anywhere near it) I'd like seq functionality with the performance of a switch... (it takes almost half an hour to transfer a divx from my roommate's to my computer over the 10mbit connection...)

Both my windows/EQ box and my linux/SEQ box have 100mbit net cards, and I've trading adding random 10mbit devices to the hub/switch to try and force it into hub mode, still no dice. And no, ethereal didn't pick anything up either. Latest attempt was a SMC EZ Hub 10/100 dual-speed hub... model number SMC-EZ5805DS

Are there any solutions other than using your SEQ box as a router or using a real honest to goodness hub? Is there any way to jury-rig the linux box to capture packets not normally pointed at it? Any freeware windows apps that captures network traffic and forwards it somewhere else? Or has all of this been done already and I just never read the thread?

This doesn't sound like a problem that's going to go away, either... The only reason to buy a hub instead of a switch (other than showeq) is because it's cheaper, and on a 5 port hub there's virtually no price difference anymore...
