this is for all you guys that pop into irc, fail to read the topic, and then get pissed off when we tell you to go to (NOT WORK SAFE DONT CLICK IT IF YOU VALUE YOUR EYES), and then proceed to whip out newbie_comment_01, "you guys need to get laid" in retort to your own lack of cognitive reasoning skills. After which, you promptly quit, satisfied with the knowledge that *you* got the last word in and are obviously superior in every way to me. Well, i'd like a personal archive of such activity, so please, feel free to have at me, in this thread of mine. If you say something particularly ingenious, i may even stick it on my wall, so that i can forever bask in the awe of your intellect, and only hope to absorb a fraction of it by repeated viewing.

and yea, you other guys on the forums that cant bother with a search button: you guys arent quite as bad as the idiots in irc that cant read, yet insist on using a text driven chat protocol, but you guys are still morons imnsho, so feel free to participate as well.

flame away.