To determine that, answer the following statements truthfully with either "True" or "False".

1. Bill Gates is in fact evil reincarnated. He IS the devil himself feeding upon the masses, and brainwashing everyone with his evil bible called Microsoft Windows (tm).

2. I have spent more time getting EverQuest to run under Linux than i have actually played the game.

3. When i started with Linux, there was noone that helped ME out, so i had to spend countless hours reading through outdated HowTo's and Faq's figuring out how i would even get Xwin to start in more than 640x480 resolution.. I feel that noone should get their info easier than i did so when a person asks something in a newsgroup or similar, i autotag with "Use the Search" or "Read the FAQ".

4. RedHat (tm) is a shitty Linux version, cos people can install it without even knowing how to compile the Kernel themselves. Not to mention the RedHat Network autoupdate feature.. That is just gay! Not even have to compile every update yourself.. sheesh!

5. I think it is a LOT more rewarding for me to spend 13 hours making my own driver for my brand new FujiFilm Digicam, than it is for my neighbour to just plug in the usb cable and get it working in 1 minute using <god forbid> Windows XP.

6. Every Linux user "wannabe" that cannot make their own scripts and drivers should be banned and eternally flamed from evey "Linux Help" board!

7. I am a GOD, because i know everything there is to know about computers as a result of my indepth knowledge of Linux

8. If someone else points out a more effective way to do a function in my sourcecode, i get so mad because that person have no clue about what i INTENDED to do, and that everything i do is flawless and noone can do it better than me!

9. Every network admin in a firm with computers running windows does not deserve his job. No mailserver is better than sendmail.. Period!

10. The satisfaction and reward with buying a new hardware component to my computer is the fact that i know i will spend numerous hours figuring out how i can compile the driver to even get to use it.

You get 1 point per "True" answer.

0-3 points : You have no clue about what you are doing, and should like 98,7% of all other computer users in the world be denied the possibility of even looking at a computer.

4-6 points : This is not good.. You think you know something about Linux.. but admit it.. you are just a "wannabe"!

7-9 points : You are getting somewhere. Keep reading the howto's, and flame every question you see on every board you visit.. Keep it up!

10 points : You are a GOD.. one of the few 1,3% in the WORLD that know everything you need to know in life about computers and Linux. Noone can match your intellect.. who cares if you are 38 years old and still live together with your mom..