Just a few thoughts incase you get bored (doubt you have) and wonder what else would be beneficial to add to the program. Pardon me if most of these have already been requested, as I know some have.

1. A drop down menu either above or below the spawn list that gave you the option to only show PC's, NPC's, door/item spawns.. etc

2. Coloring the spawn list by con just like you have the spawns now colored in the map. I like to sort my spawn list by level rather than name or whatnot.. and it's easier for me to see whites/blacks as even, yellows as 1,2 levels above, red as 3 or more, blues, greens, etc... rather than checking the specific level right off the bat.

3. I notice a good handful of traits in the spawn list (run speed, race/class, etc). Another pull down menu giving you the option to flag on/off those traits would be nice

4. I know you can change the map background color.. but what about having the option to make the spawn list black/red/blue, etc?

5. New blinking dots on the main map (with a timer) counting down to when the next spawn will pop up. I assume this will be difficult unless the server automatically sends a 'respawning soon' flag of some sort to the client... which I'm pretty sure it doesn't.

6. Someone want to code in a damage parser as good as the one in SEQ?

7. I loved the highlight option of SEQ where you could move your mouse over a dot on the map and it would show who it was, level, etc.

8. A place in the MSEQ client that displays your stats, level, hp, etc.. Beeps on low hitpoints? Beeps when you get a /t ?

9. A very small scrollable window at the bottom of the client that reads from your log file and posts all tells, group messages, /gu, etc... then saves it when you exit the program... so you can look back on what was said throughout the past few days. (yea I'm dreaming on this one)

10. Wayyyy down the road.. but something simliar to EQ's in game cartography system. Where you can type in your own text on the map.. and make your own points and maps customizable.

Just some thoughts while bored at work. Keep up the good work.