Hi all

Im brand spanking new to ShowEQ, got it running fine and all under RedHat 7.2 without any problems. My Network Config works fine, got the newest CVS with the matching libEQ.a

I've noticed the behavior that all the spawns come up as unknown once you zone into a new zone. This is due to the need of some kind of key(?) to decipher the information as I could read from the log window.

Now I would like to know WHAT will force such a key to be generated by the client so ShowEQ can find it? Sometimes I had good results when I killed a mob, sometimes I had to zone/log out/log in but sometimes just nothing at all helps.

I searched through this forum, the old ones and also the seq.sourceforge.org boards but to no avail.

If someone could enlighten me what has to happen to force such a key I would be most grateful. If there is some way to force that without having to actualy kill anything (Not realy feasable with Lvl 1 Mule in Dragon Necropolis for example :-)) that would be best.

thanks in advance