I am curious if anyone else is having this problem.

After being in a LDoN zone for a couple minutes my SEQ session(s) seems to fall so far behind that I can no longer point at a skittle to get the tool type info, or scroll through the list of spawns or even know where I am in relationship to everything else. When this occures my CPU is maxed out. When I zone out it seems to fix itself. The intial zoning for leaving or succoring in LDoN seems a bit slow for SEQ to process but my belief is it that it is just flushing through some buffer stuff.

System spec stuff:
Celeron 333 (@ 333)
256 MB RAM
Red Hat 8 (kernel version 2.4.20-20.8) (gcc version 3.2)
Linux Kernel version 2.4.20-20.8
SEQ version 4.3.13a (noticed problem 4.3.12 also)

Network config:
DSL Router (pat integrated) -> switch -> hub -> SEQ & EQ machines.

I have dones a few searches and found some LDoN based threads but nothing that seemed to deal with the performance of SEQ in the LDoN zones. Granted my skill at searching are definately lacking, so I might not have search for the right words to find what I was looking for.

I have read through a healthy portion but not all of this thread:
which seems to deal primary with unknown spawns popping up in most every zone and not laggy performance in LDoN zones specificly.

Since LDoN are on a timer and on occation my groups cut them fairly close, I have not checked the console screen to see if a large number of things go scrolling by that might explain it... I will attempt to do so on my next adventure.

~ TK