This seems to have stopped functioning in the manar I expected it to.

Since the addition of the tool menu, the tool menu becomes selected. In version 4.3.12 it seems to do nothing. If I remember correct, I could be wrong, it used to take the menu bar itself and hide it thus giving you a little more realestate for the map and lists to use.

Is this broken and is so rarely used it slipped through the cracks or does it actually do something different than I'm expecting.

searching for ctrl+alt+t produced unrelated threads
searching for "toggle AND menubar" produced no matches

grep in the src directory reveals:
#grep -n "menubar" *.cpp
editor.cpp:22:#include <qmenubar.h>
interface.cpp:848:   pInterfaceMenu->insertItem("Hide MenuBar", this, SLOT(toggle_view_menubar()));
interface.cpp:1578:   accel->connectItem( accel->insertItem(CTRL+ALT+Key_T), this, SLOT(toggle_view_menubar()));
interface.cpp:1585:                                                 "ShowEQ - Main (ctrl+alt+t to toggle menubar)"));
interface.cpp:5001:void EQInterface::toggle_view_menubar()
m_interface.cpp:456:    static const QUMethod slot_136 = {"toggle_view_menubar", 0, 0 };
m_interface.cpp:661:    { "toggle_view_menubar()", &slot_136, QMetaData::Private },
m_interface.cpp:1005:    case 136: toggle_view_menubar(); break;

From the looks of interface.cpp ctrl+alt+s should also remove the status bar from the bottom of the window, this doesn't appear to happen either.

It seems like SEQ isn't getting the ctrl+alt+t/s signals properly because you can go to the inferface menu and click them and it will turn them off and it will even turn the status bar back on but when you turn off the menu bar, it won't turn back on cause you can no long use the menu to turn it on.

Something else odd as I am playing with it, alt+i doesn't pull open the interface menu, all other menus pull up according to their underlined letter properly.

So if someone knows right where to go to fix this, great, go for it. I will try and find where the keyboard inputs are processed and see if I can't track down why these things might be broken. My guess is that it is in the m_interface.cpp so that will be the first place I go.

current version I'm running is 4.3.14

~ TK