As most folks know by now, I've been doing alot of development to the project over the past few months. During this time I have had alot of folks thank me as well as offer to pay me, which I have declined and sent them to contribute to the forum.

Recently folks may have seen by posts become short with other posts. This is part of the reason why I have slowed up on development of the project. I have asked in several posts for the community to step up and to participate by taking 5 to 10 minutes a week to test things for the project, but with no reults for what I have asked.

I will continue to develop the project for my use and will release new releases when I feel the community has stepped up to the plate. There are other developers that may step up and take over with releasing versions. I put an avg. of 60 hrs or so a week towards the project in one form or another and all I have asked is 5 or 10 minutes a week.

I have posted enough in the forums on how to resolve most of the issues and how to get the offsets for the future. I will still be around but I may not participate as much. I would like to thank all of those who has stepped up and helped in resolving the issues and who have asked for features in the project.