I've come up with some problems, and have attempted at using the "Read first" and used the "How to" to install... need to make sure I'm doing things properly. Realize that I am not a computer savvy person (appologies) so my problem is likely extremely noobish.

I did everything according to the How too, ran it for the first time, loaded EQ up, picked a Char, then started the client... (for the first time). I did the F1, entered the IP address to my server computer, then selected it. I get about a 30 second lock/pause, then I get the following message:
Could not select server: Unknown error (0x274c)
Try selecting a different server.

So, I entered a different IP address and switched between the two. Same reaction from the Client program.

I started Serfing and found the READ FIRST forum and so I tried to do this next.

As for:
Checking if the Client can talk to the Server:
1) Start the Server on the EQ machine
2) Start a DOS window on the Server machine
3) Type: netstat -a{Enter}
4) Look for Port 5555 is Listening
5) Type: telnet {IP Address} {Port}{Enter}
6) Hit {Enter}
7) You should see data scrolling down the screen.
I typed telnet {IP Addy of my client computer} 5555 (and hit enter)

I got the following:
Connecting to {IP Address of Client comp}...Could not open connection to the host on, on port 5555.
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

Now, for the Client computer tests:
Checking the Client Setup:
1) When you run the client do you get any errors?
2) Once inside the client did you set the options? If not hit F1.
3) Verify the IP address is set to the Server's IP Address (I've heard it many times that they have and it has been IP Address)
4) Verify the Port is set to 5555
6) Set Logging to 1
7) Click OK
8) Click GO
9) Do you see anything in the Client?
10) Did the Server show a new connection from the Client IP Address?
Here are my problems:
1. Did
2. Did
3. Verified, twice three and four times.
4. Port 5555, yes thats what it says.
no step 5.
6. Did
7, 8 Did
9. No changes, same Error msg:
Could not select server: Unknown error (0x274c)
Try selecting a different server.
10. Server window still says "Waiting for new connection"

I feel that the client check was futile because it was seeming like there is a connection issue between my two computers by the test ran previously on the server computer. I am just not sure I ran it correction and do not know how to interpret the error message or how to respond to it.

Would appreciate any advice, comments and/or opinions.