I cannot be the only one to be having issues with the myseq team and the emu.
I've gone to the extreme of understanding and getting my own offsets useing both


both guides brought me to the same offsets. After discovering they don't work I searched deeper and found

telling me that the red dragon switched sided and joined the emu. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that against what this program was originally designed to do?
The emu is small compared to SONY, but their are over 200 people playing at any given time on the servers.
Could anyone here goto
dl the files, and figure out what exactly they did to break it? Who knows, someday down the line verant may do they same...

btw---I've used both Bob's old version and the new one both give me the same results. It sees me, sees my name and stats (hp and crap), the zone I'm in, but no skittles. Not even white ones.

One more thing. The ida pro guide says that after you find aErrorInReci_0,
Double Click: sub_447657+B8↑o , 4) Scroll up a few lines till you see: cmp dword_73F050, edi

5) Write down: SpawnAddr=7598160 (Hint: 7598160 decimal = 73F050 hex

but when I do it, there is no cmp dword_73f050???

(stupid bold text won't go away...)

Thanks for eveything you guys have done in the past and the present.
I've been an avid user of both programs. showeq since pre-kunark and then switching to myseq after Bob made that huge breakthrough with seq for windows. (Kudo's to you Bob)