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Thread: Dynamic Con Colors?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Dynamic Con Colors?

    did a search and didn't see anything other than the restructuring of the con color table a while back. So, here's a thought.

    A friend I work with and myself both use SEQ. He decided that the way he plays, he wanted con colors tweaked on the seq UI. Myself being the one of the two of us who knows anything about coding (as sparse as my own knowlege is, his is nonexistant by his own admission), took on the task, only took me about half an hour to have the changes going and stable.

    His proposal was to be able to remap con colors, so that he could tell at a glance what would enrage/summon/neither/be a waste of time. So, yellow for 56-59, blue for 51-55, liteblue for 45-50, green everything else below that, red for 61+.

    I'd never looked at the con color bases in the UI, thought that was a quick way to change stuff until I found out it was a color picker.

    Now, though I've taken a chainsaw to the player.cpp code and made it work as he wanted to see it by hardcoding each level of darkblue/yellow, it makes me wonder if having a way to change con levels on the fly in the UI would be useful or even desired by anyone else, or if it's been done. One hesitation point I have towards undertaking it myself is that con colors would seem to be compiled in, not configurable... What about moving them to the prefs?

    I have more code examination to do before I play with this, just sort of gathering opinions and info.

    ... now that I think of it, similar behavior (kindof) could be enabled via filters, no?
    -- fox

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    SEQ GUI:
    options -> con colors

  3. #3
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    Now I feel like an idiot. My own fault though for posting this from work and being unable to check through the menus one last time. Thanks
    -- fox

  4. #4
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    Re: Dynamic Con Colors?

    Don;t feel like and idiot.

    Originally posted by fox
    I'd never looked at the con color bases in the UI, thought that was a quick way to change stuff until I found out it was a color picker.
    Originally posted by Cryonic
    SEQ GUI:
    options -> con colors
    He just told you to look at the color bases again.

    With the way xp is handled with the new tables your idea is a nice one. From all the checking I have seen the only way to modify what level range, 45 - 50, 51 - 55, ect, cons what color is by moding the file like you did. Currently seq is setup to color each spawn the same color it cons to you in game. Only other way I can see to change this would be for someone to add code that alows you to change the presets for what level ranges are what color. Again this would not be the options -> con colors because that would not change 56 = 60 to be yellow it would take the entire range of blue cons and change the color in the map in seq.

    Filters is an option thou you would still have to change some code. Currently there is only warning danger hunt ect in there. what you would have to do is rewrite the filter code to change a things color for you depending on its level. OR you could set in your mind, "ok I wanna hunt 54 - 56 mobs stay away from 57+ and try and not pull 53 and under casue they don't give the xp I want." and set 54 - 56 as hunt, and the rest as danger or warning.

    just my 2cp
    Last edited by three-p-o; 09-05-2002 at 02:25 AM.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Sins has the function calcPickConColor in player.cpp which colors a mob with different shades depending on level, this is one excellent feature that I'd like to see in showeq too.

  6. #6
    Developer Ratt's Avatar
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    Sins has the function calcPickConColor in player.cpp which colors a mob with different shades depending on level, this is one excellent feature that I'd like to see in showeq too.
    Umm... that is a ShowEQ function that is used in SINS. It's been around since the beginning for all intents and purposes.

  7. #7
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    The differences in color could be made larger then, with sins I can pretty much tell the level of 45-59 mobs just with a glance, while with showeq it's practically impossible since it's almost same shade for all.

  8. #8
    Registered User Mr. Suspicious's Avatar
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    The differences in color could be made larger then, with sins I can pretty much tell the level of 45-59 mobs just with a glance, while with showeq it's practically impossible since it's almost same shade for all.
    * sigh * look at the menu options and notice you can _adjust_ the colors used. You can make blue cons BRIGHT PURPLE if you want to.
    Before asking anything read the pre-face section of

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  9. #9
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    * sigh * look at the menu options and notice you can _adjust_ the colors used. You can make blue cons BRIGHT PURPLE if you want to.
    The issue isn't as much changing the color of a blue con than it is changing the definition of a blue con.

    In sins, if your toon was level 60, level 45 mobs and level 55 mobs were a different shade of blue, and you could tell them apart fairly easily. In ShowEQ, a blue con is a blue con, and the only way to differentiate them is to select it and look at it's level in the spawn list, or use the roll-over. SEQ sort of does it with green and red spawns, but it doesn't really make a difference... all green spawns are (generally... the rampaging, flurrying, ae blinding, immune to slow green cons in grieg's end don't count ) easy and all red cons will eat you... however, some blue cons are easy and some will eat you, and there needs to be a way to tell the difference at a glance.

    One several nifty things about sins that made me prefer it over SEQ. (performance was great too. )

  10. #10
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    i agree, it would be kinda nice to see some colour variation. i also think it might be kinda spiffy to perhaps (and i'm not sure if this is possible) shade UNDEAD mobs a certain shade and LIVE mobs another shade... so when you are running around invis, you can tell at a glance that something PROBABLY see's invis. not that that is an end-all be-all to using invis/ivu, but it could help and be kinda useful. maybe undead could shade it grayish, and live could shade it whiteish? i dunno. probably annoying to implement :)

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Fryfrog that is a great idea!

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