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Thread: A little keyreader example code

  1. #31
    Registered User
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    Dec 2001
    i got it working...but only once.

    I downloaded the compiled exe from scrubfire and started it under w2k.
    I used the offset it says in the brackets, gave this key into SEQ and it decoded fine.
    Than i ended the program, zoned and tried to start it again.
    Now i have the error 5 also...any suggestions?

    ok, some more infos:

    it will work only when i start it BEFORE i start eq...
    and it will work fine at zoning when i DO NOT end it, i.e. let it run the whole time...but thats not what i want

    So a fix would be to zone, end eq, start the sniffer, start eq again.
    But thats not so nice...

    thx in advance
    Last edited by; 11-01-2002 at 06:34 PM.

  2. #32
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    restart btoh

    I got same error. Just restart eq from desktop and the eqsniff once you get to worldserver select.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Perhaps you can't run it again because the process handle is never closed? I haven't gotten home to play with this yet, but usually it is a good idea to close any handle you open.

    Question for anyone who has this working: Do you have to re-run this everytime you zone or is the key set once per EQ session?

  4. #34
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    Thanks on the error 5 info. that worked.

    Yes, you have to get the key each time you zone.


  5. #35
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    Yes, u have to sniff again after u zone...every zoning will create a new key...

    so, i dont have a compiler yet, and i used the precompiled version...
    just downloading the borland trial, and now i want to know how to close the handles u talked about?
    Its not very comfortable to zone, log out, restart eq and than fire the sniffer again...

    new info: after some tests it won't work here if i start the sniffer after completely zoned in...that means i start it at character screen, giving the offstet over and over till i zoned in...
    strange behaviour, where are the c++ cracks here?
    Last edited by; 11-01-2002 at 07:28 PM.

  6. #36
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    very dumb question, how are you starting a program if you are in game already? EQW?

  7. #37
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    nino2469: why asking when u can give the answer yourself?

  8. #38
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    just making sure

  9. #39
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    Thanks to all those who contributed to this thread. Excellent work on eqsniff.exe and all those that contributed code to it.

  10. #40
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    Oh man thanks guys. It works great. Got a couple of questions though.
    I've confirmed that you do indeed have to keep eqsniff running while you play eq. Also you have to get a new key everytime you zone. Ok now for the questions.
    1. Where does that offset value come from and will it change everytime that eqame.exe is updated?
    2. How easy is it for VI to see if your running the eqsniffer program?

  11. #41
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    Still not working

    I get get from offset have zone re-enter done everything hasnt worked one time. But key does change when I zone maybe I need to re update??? any thoughts?
    Last edited by gaingreen; 11-01-2002 at 08:37 PM.

  12. #42
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    A thought

    Am I correct in assuming that he offset would differ depending on OS and that the current offset is for Win2K ?

    Bleble (Im not a Troll, I just have big bones)

  13. #43
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    Ok, here's what I did and it worked fine. I'm running XP.
    1. Started EQW and got the the server selection screen.
    2. Started EQsniffer then logged in my char.
    3. Switched back to EQsniffer entered the offset that is in the brackets.
    4. Take the key it gives you and enter it into ShowEQ.
    5. BAMB ShowEQ starts decoding.

    I even zoned a couple of time reentered the offset and got the new key, entered it into showEQ and it started decoding.
    Last edited by Getinmybelly; 11-01-2002 at 08:44 PM.

  14. #44
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    Seems like we're on to something here

  15. #45
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    i am not a programmer at all, but i suppose if i were to try i could at the very least download and compile this... but i would like to offer a suggestion to someone that might be better at this than i am.

    Have the client be a network based client. when ever it finds a key, it would broadcast the key (not send it to a specific client). showeq could have a listener so that when ever it saw a broadcast of a key from the ip it is watching, it could pick use it.

    by broadcasting it, you don't give away your showeq box itself. of course, anyone on a non-nat subnet would be broadcasting their keys all over the place.

    i would really prefer a client that interacts with showeq w/o user input. manually entering a key every time two or 4 eq sessions zone is gonna suck. also, i dislike playing in EQW :)

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