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Thread: On a lighter note

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    On a lighter note

    Since most of the threads have turned into flame wars and rants lately because of the recent events, I'd like to start a more positive thread.

    I want to hear stories of how you used SEQ to better the 'hunt' without taking away from others. I do NOT want to hear about the uberphatlewtz dr00ds farming some rare spawns.

    I'll start one off and I'll probably post more as I remember them:

    We were in the tower of frozen shadows, I don't remember which floor it was but we were pulling from a room that had this statue thing that breathed fire(sorry, I don't go there often to remember what all the mobs, floors are). Well, our puller had pulled a few out and said we could proceed through the room to the next and just then, I looked over at my other box and noticed 2 mobs standing in that room kind of in the corner. Obviously the puller had missed them and we would most definetely lost a couple people if we would've just waltzed in there. I said something to the effect that, "/group You sure you got them all? There's usually more than that, check that one corner over there, they like to hide there sometimes"

    The puller took a peek and there they were. That could've been one horrible mess. I can't even imagine how long it would've taken for us to get our bodies back.

  2. #2
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    Heh.. I've used seq on rare occsions to pop into a zone and check for a rare pop... but for the most part... It just sits there and...

    1. Tells me where Im at and where Im going...
    2. Tells me where someone's corpse is
    3. Tells me if I can take a short cut through a zone.. or if the path to D2 necro is truely cleared
    4. and my favorite - tells me
    a. where the anon clerics are and do a quick run by and claim wow I got lucky in finding you!!
    b. those damn rouges doing sneaks/hides to mess with me...

  3. #3
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    Used it plenty of times when I notice someone in trouble IE trained or FD with lots of mobs standing around them. Used it countless times to drag corpses through zones. Helping people find mobs for quests because no druids/rangers were around.

  4. #4
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    Talking usage

    I use(d) it on MANY occasions as a guide. An invaluable tool for many of the petitions that come in.

    Stuck corpses, lost corpses, stuck mobs (underground, behind zone line) etc.


  5. #5
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    Sort of funny to me but you might not think so ...

    I tried to make SEQ work for a solid week of evenings. I just did not have the ability.

    So I went to the local Jr. College and started taking classes. I am now really having fun with Object Oriented C. I still can't program a Windoze application but I am actually learning.

    Never did go back to trying SEQ - don't play EQ much now the the grand kid is in college.

    For a 61 year old retired intellectual property lawyer I am doing good. Without you guys and this product, I would never have learned a thing about Unix, C++ or programing.

    So tell me I am a cheater.
    Last edited by PawnOrc; 11-01-2002 at 06:06 PM.

  6. #6
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    Mostly I just use it to keep me and all the other non-showeq users with me alive. This has been done countless ways that hurt no other people.

    Several times however, (in fact more than several) I'd be camping something and I would see someone invised or sneaking come up to the camp and wait there to hoping to steal it. For the invised ones, I'd throw see invis on and say, "Oh hello. I've got this camp and have had it for the last # kills. Thanks for stopping by." One guy got mad that I saw him, and I ended up talking to his guild officers before he backed off of my camp. Very unfortunate.

    I guess you 'might' try and say using ShowEQ 'hurt' the those people, but then again, they were trying to 'hurt' me. You couldn't hold that argument even with non-showeq users, too many have had their camps stolen. After all, SOE claims the first one to hit the mob gets it, no matter how long you sit there waiting for it to spawn.

    So basically, it keeps me and other non-showeq users alive, and keeps a check on the real jerks out there.

  7. #7
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    <-- Monk, so I pull for my groups and raids. I can see where stuff is and avoid the problems areas. I keep the raid/group moving at a good clip becuase I can avoid problems. Faster moving raid/group=less bored people=more fun for everyone. =) Not to mention the corpses and mobs and locs (without even moving from my spot) I can find for people that need it. I can also get to raids/groups faster=less waiting on me= more fun for them.

  8. #8
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    Here's a really good one... We all know that ME is absolutely FAMOUS for trains. On several occasions I've wanted to run from the DSP to the UP zones, and been forced to run through ME.

    SEQ has permitted me to avoid the five hundred invis'd undead trap mobs so when I get to UP im not training 500 mobs into all the people at the UP zone line. Exaclty the same thing is true (only moreso) in The Grey. We won't EVEN start to talk about Rockfiends.

    On several occasions, I've been able to watch and warn my guild when members of less honorable guilds train us on purpose to get us out of a particular camp. One time I actually watched an SK go out and aggro a couple dozen mobs and head directly at our group. A hasty suggestion to zone ended up having the FD'er actually train his OWN people instead of us when he arrived... and WE WEREN'T THERE! We then rezoned when it was safe..

  9. #9
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    on a lighter note

    the reason i use show EQ.. well i have a family, and my playing time is limited.. i dont want to spend 6hrs trying to get my corspe back in a zone i dont know very well simply because i was trying to pass through...

    Because my play time is limited, i use SEQ to help me find that mob for epic peices.. if a mob is up, i may try to convince some folks to come and help.. but trying to get to the bottom of kedge keep just to see if phinny is up for example or quillimane...

    Now with all the expansions.. and the way you have to fight higher mobs to get better exp.. its become a little easier to find the right level mobs.. so maximize the exp/hr. that is the one reason , and 2nd reason i use SEQ.

    plus, i am the only one in my guild who has a GPS system.. and i love that..

  10. #10
    Registered User datadog's Avatar
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    I play a Ranger.

    My friends all worship my 'tracking' skills. They rely on me to get them places safely. Help them find their corpses. Save them from trains. Pull 'safely'. Find 'good' camps.

  11. #11
    I play a Ranger.

    My friends all worship my 'tracking' skills. They rely on me to get them places safely. Help them find their corpses. Save them from trains. Pull 'safely'. Find 'good' camps.
    Thats kinda funny, I do/say the same thing. I've been playing for years. So everyone is convinced I know the game inside and out, and when questioned how I find mobs...

    "Oh I have the 5 speaker surround sound turned up REALLY loud so I hear everything"

  12. #12
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    Originally posted by Aardvark

    "Oh I have the 5 speaker surround sound turned up REALLY loud so I hear everything"
    ROFL I really do that. Did it before I used SEQ. I feel handicapped if I'm playing just with right/left speakers.

    So when I want that newbie "everything can kill me, where are the guards?" feeling, I just turn off SEQ and go into stereo mode.

  13. #13
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    Used for 2 reasons :

    a) map / navigation
    b) to see what's up to plan the days raids

    a) can still be used, and i'm using macroquest for b) now.

  14. #14
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    Oddly enough, I have realized that one of my favorite features of ShowEQ is to see the total hitpoints on PC's. Yeah, I know I could just ask, but it's so much easier to just /con them. Oh and the spell timer, I love that. Of course, I use it for the same things everyone else has mentioned, too, but these are a few of the "little things" that really make my EQ experience a bit easier.

  15. #15
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    One other thing that is *very* useful, and has saved my bacon on more than one occasion. The spawn timers. The grey - yellow - red - flashing red spawn indications. I don't know HOW many times i've been in a group camping for exp/drops and i've said 'room pop imminent'. They all assume that I know the zone and have a timer .. I guess I do!

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