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Thread: Were all counting on you.. (kinda OT)

  1. #1

    Were all counting on you.. (kinda OT)

    One of the greatest lines of all time from a classic movie. I just thought as a little break from the grind we could just let the devs know:

    Just wanted to let you know, were all counting you.

    Just a little hint:
    Whats your vector, Victor?
    Shirley you can't be serious (reply) I am quite serious, and please don't call my Shirley
    From one of the classiest classics, Airplane!

    p.s. I used the search forum.
    Last edited by Aardvark; 01-31-2003 at 09:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Registered User fgay trader's Avatar
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    Feb 2002
    Ouver: "We have clearance, Clerance!"
    Clerance: "Rrrroger!"
    Roger: "Huh?"
    Definitely a classic.

    Oh, and PS.: Use the search dammit!
    -FGay Trader er... GFay

  3. #3
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    Oct 2002

    For Gods Sake

    I could simply agree, and let the people working on this know how much we appreciate their work. But instead (In order to make you a more intelligent person), I am going to ask you if you've ever heard of a thing called "SEARCH"?

    A simple search on "counting on you" would have revealed multiple threads in which our appreciation and the fact that the fate of all of us rests on their shoulders. Lord knows if I tried to help I'd probably only make things worse. Unless your looking for a little flare with C64 basic, I can do wonders with

    10 PRINT...

    100 GOTO 10

    It took me longer to use the search and find the words "counting on you" than it did to write this re.... Wait I mean it took me longer write this reply than it did use the search.

    Please in the future, if your going to thank anyone, make sure someone else hasn't done it first.

  4. #4
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    Counting on

    From Mark Twain himself

    "Reports of my death have been greatly exageratted."

    Lets update that a bit...

    "Reports of ShowEQ's death have been greatly exageratted."

    I'm am trying to be patient. These days when we don't have showeq it will make me appreciate it even more once its back up and running.

    Thank you all that are working on a fix!

  5. #5
    Developer Ratt's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Na, thanks are always appreciated by the devs.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    A SEARCH IN "USE THE SEARCH!" would have lead you to many ways to use the search as well as a multitude of topics to use the search with!

    I enjoy using the search to search for "USE THE SEARCH!" as it has led me to search for topics to search for many times. This has helped me become MUCH better at using the search, consequently finding many more topics on search.....

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    lol no shiznit. if you look up USE THE SEARCH i bet you will find more thread results than any other reply

    and if your lucky after someone says USE THE SEARCH BUTTON there might be an answer to the question that was originally asked

  8. #8
    Registered User
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    647 hits on "Use the search"

  9. #9
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    Isnt this Use search thing getting a little out of hand the last few days?

    1st we have people the post the same questions and get the use search response.....they deserve it.

    2nd we have people that dont care to help, and post use search all the time...(they been around too long to care)

    3rd we get shitty threads like this. WHY??

    <edit> It started out good tho. Airplane ruled!!

    Hey "U ever seen a grown man naked?"
    "whats your vector, Victor?"

  10. #10
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    hmm, search? all say to use Search...but I can't find it anywhere...I scanned all the forums for it but all i hear is references...will this get seq up and running again? Hmm...maybe I should do a <SEARCH> for know...the little icon between your

    FAQ-N-HOME buttons <smirk>

  11. #11
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    You know... on the Mark Twain quote, "The reports of my death are greatly exagerrated." It makes me think of a quote from Star Trek: First Contact. After Picard gets to the bridge with Lilly, he says, "The reports of my assimilation are great exagerrated." Gotta love a bunch of nerds working on a film! =)
    Usually I post my character here...but uh...yeah...

  12. #12
    Registered User
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    Can I do a Search on Search and thereby cause a endless loop and end up blowing up..I dunno....Atlanta or something?

  13. #13
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    Now Now Protagonist...

    SEQ down, lets not shut down EQ with a DOS attack...heh

    <ping * 1million/sec * 1000 secs>

  14. #14
    Registered User
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    Nov 2002

    In Search Of

    On tonight's episode of In Search Of...
    We will try to ascertain if in fact the rumored "Search Button" is fact or simply mythical.
    (Hey, I combined Leonard Nemoy and the Search Button in one topic, a little Star Trek fan service as a mnemonic for the Search Button)
    Oh, and the Airplane quote goes like this, I believe:

    We have clearance, Clarence.
    Roger, Roger. What's our vector Victor?

    Unger was over Ober, but Ober was under Dunn...


  15. #15
    Registered User fgay trader's Avatar
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    Feb 2002
    "How would you like your stake, captain?"
    "A little under-done."
    Dunn raises a brow

    On the subject of search... Perhaps we shoud use reverse psychology and when a_clueless_newb341 posts "er.. where do I download seq?" again, everyone should just post "Whatever you do, man, DON'T use the search button!!!"
    -FGay Trader er... GFay

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