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Thread: New install error

  1. #16
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Yeah, yeah ...I am pretty sure that must be it.

    How stupid of me not to have seen it before.

    People keep posting questions so stupid that it makes you wonder how they ever found the power switch on their fucking computer, so it must be the board's fault.

    It is so clear now. If we just change the organization of the forum and and add a sticky here and there intelligence will blossom forth in their heretofore empty craniums, and we will experience the insight and erudition of which they are truely capable.
    To search, or not to search,--that is the question:--
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous flaming
    Or to take a look at the search function,
    And by using it, end them?

  2. #17
    Registered User Trollflamebait's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    The whole attitude that I am smarter than you are because I understand teh linux and you dont is the whole problem with this forum.

    Help people or ignore them but dont toast them with flames. Actions like that help propagate the idea that people that use linux think of themselves as elitests.

  3. #18
    Registered User Iam_Walrus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Well, coming from a Microsoft fan that has had to work in a near total Linux environment for the past four years, I've come to the conclusion that yes, Linux lusers do have an elitist attitude. To be honest, although it's repugnant, it's also semi-deserved.

    Until the last two years or so, the major distros of Linux were nowhere, and I mean nowhere near user friendly. You had to possess a brain slightly larger than a ripe plum to get anything going outside of the "bit three" distros (RH, Debian, Mandrake). Even then, I would constantly have a bitch of a time getting DHCP to work on my SEQ box. I don't know why, it would just kill me. I ended up having my router feed a static IP to it because DHCP was killing me.

    In windows, you're like one right-click and three left-clicks away from DHCP at any time. One drawback to windows DHCP - you have to know the difference between right and left clicking...

    I'm no Linux god. I have learned enough to get by at my job. I have this monstrous desktop machine sitting here next to me that I don't run X on and only connect to through my windows machine with PuTTY (man I love this terminal app!). I can now get most distros of linux set up and running what I need (Gentoo is next!), but you're not going to see me doing anything fancy. I don't develop, I can write only the most basic PERL scripts, and I don't know squat about most of the issues that devs have to deal with like memory leaks, debugging symbols and other mystical phrases.

    I do know SCMs, but those issues rarely come up here.

    I tried asking questions prefacing my lack of knowledge, but got burned so I've gone back to learning through lurking. Yes, there are a lot of elitists in this type of community, but consider this:

    Who are you asking for help?

    These people don't owe you anything. They do this of their own free will, giving their own free time to this project. What right does anyone have to make demands of their behavior?

    I say again, the main page instructs you to read the FAQ then use the SEARCH button. This is right up at the top of the page. This welcome message then tells you EXACTLY what will happen to you when you fail to do these two very simple tasks. They really don't take much time.

    My very last suggestion to anyone complaining about being fried, and this is coming from a fellow burn victim, is search a LOT. If you still can't find anything, format your post like this:

    Subject: Problem with <foo>, search terms that failed included

    <problem statement>
    And here's what I tried for search terms that didn't seem to help out:

    One last thing. When you get search result lists, read _EVERY_ post in each resultant thread. Yes, this can be time consuming, but for your time you will get lots of information and NO FLAMES.

    Cheers and happy searching!

  4. #19
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hey Troll,

    Maybe I read this all wrong, but after his question was posted, both Jeeves and myself made responses. Are we the "Assholes" you were referring too?

    Maybe I can explain:

    Jeeves's post "taught" him how to read the error. Not only that, but because of this, he will know how to read future errors.

    My post showed him exactly where to look in the provided documentation to see what he may have missed given his (or future) error.

    ....and we are the Assholes....



  5. #20

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