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Thread: anyone working and what you need to do to get you going

  1. #16
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    Ooh. What did you port it to?
    Java, actually.

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

  2. #17
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    I may disagree, in a large way, with Jeeve's political views. But I couldn't possibly agree more, with what he has posted here.


  3. #18
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    /nod Jeeves,

    i agree with that what you said.

    And Thule i would be much better for here when you leave and don't come back.

    Originally posted by high_jeeves
    There are quite a few people out there, myself included, that already have ShowEQ up and running... version isnt even in C++ anymore, and I dont really see the point in spending more time translating back to C++
    Jeeves perhaps you could help other people, who have not the Knowledge/time to find the structure changes. No need to post c++ some data structures or java code are fine too

    If you don't want, ok too
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  4. #19
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    At this point I am mulling over whether thule is just one seriously fucked up person or whether society is making people incapable of appreciating a gift and saying a simple "Thank You".

    Thule if you have SEQ working at present it is because you are working with the code base that has been freely contributed by the people that you are so casualy insulting.

    If you can do it yourself without using existing SEQ code go ahead. And then post up your own project on Sourceforge. And then see how you like answering the whiney ass complaints of every newb who wants your code to work but doesn't want to actually think about it.
    To search, or not to search,--that is the question:--
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous flaming
    Or to take a look at the search function,
    And by using it, end them?

  5. #20
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    Thumbs down Troll Troll Go Away

    Oh Jesus Christ quit feeding the trolls (No offense..) This one's gotten big enough, time to starve him a little.

    Wow, what bridge was this 13 year old living under?

    Speaking of mental midigets, when Thule decides to show he has a modictum of intelligence to this community I might consider taking him off my ignore list. Damn folks if this post didn't just SCREAM ignore me i'm not sure what did. I will give him credit tho for the bigest "stoping your foot and screaming at the top of your lungs 3 year old temper tantrum" post i've read yet on these boards.

    I will add a hearty "Way to GO!" to the devs for the work they do. Reguardless of how long it takes to get fixed, it's a great product with some startlingly great code.

    And to hopefully lead this thread down a much more productive path, Jeaves has mentioned he's ported to a new language (which is nice IMHO), what i'm interested in is where he started learning enough about the code to actually understand enough about it to do this. I guess what i'm asking is what is more helpful to start with in "learning SEQ"? Packet sniffing the crap comming from Sony, disassembling EQGame.exe or reading something in the code? And if code, where did you start?

    There's probably a post on this already out there somewhere that I didn't search and this will end up in R^6 forum, but hey, would that be such a bad thing either?

    - Raistlin

  6. #21
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    Yes, this has been posted quite a bit, especially lately. The repsonse is always: start in opcodes.h. That's where the packet structures live. Then basically use ethereal or some other sniffer, go to a zone that isn't crowded and start doing things. See how the packets change and what gets sent when you do things. Please note I am not an seq developer or a coder in general, but this is what I have seen posted here numerous times.

  7. #22
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    Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid

    Heh...I gotta agree...if your not willing to work on it...don't open your mouth. I swear some people actually act like SEQ is owed to them. I would love to see how they grew up heh...everything owed to them...of course most of em are probably 13 years old like what was stated before hehe. I have such a fucked up work schedule that I really can't do much with ShowEQ...but you won't see me bitching because it doesn't work. I can't believe the free work these DEVs have put forth already and if they wanted to say screw it and quit tomorrow....who has the right to say anything? I think if they have it working on their end and don't want to share it that's fine too.
    I really don't like people that say they have it working though just to taunt people here...(Believe most of the people that say they have it all working and don't want to share it...probably are just trying to get people bitching on here heh...ignore it) And if they do have it working so what heh...Hell though if I were you guys I probably would charge for this program in some form. If I were you I would make the damn download areas subscriber based heh. You guys have done it free for a long time now you deserve a little money for your efforts. As soon as I get paid in a couple weeks for some networking jobs that are due I will throw a few bucks into the paypal fund also...

    Great Job guys....I hope SEQ continues but if you have had enough no one can blame you...

    Last edited by NDT; 03-03-2003 at 06:15 PM.
    One day computers will rule the earth...They make better decisions then we do 8)

  8. #23
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    There are quite a few people out there, myself included, that already have ShowEQ up and running...
    Nice.. was getting scared i was the only one...

  9. #24
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    Amazing how just doing some hard work can get you back in pretty good shape.

    (Not completely working yet..but getting close)

  10. #25
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    I am one that dose not make any statment, unless I see something that I do not understand why.

    high_jeeves said this:

    There are quite a few people out there, myself included, that already have ShowEQ up and running...
    Makes me wonder about the other members whom do support the SEQ forms and are consider to be "Contributing Member"s. Are these ones as well be left in the dark, since they do not have the time to fixs the SEQ Code or do not understand coding and help those whom do? True this is really based on what people want to do. I have enjoyed using the program in the pasted for features of Timing and GPS. The Decodeing of the zone is a added plus.

    I thought that an open code was so that every one could help in the making of the software. But here it seems to be for the few that find the answer and hold on to it for themselfs.

    as high_jeeves said:

    they dont share their changes for a variety of reasons
    as well as CybMax:


    There are quite a few people out there, myself included, that already have ShowEQ up and running...

    Nice.. was getting scared i was the only one...
    A while ago there was a form that was made of what chages were done to the Opcode.h. Personly I saw the whole form working together to find the answer to solve the issuse. A few of the people were far more ahead then the rest but were kind to place what they did find. This was the first time that I thought, "Hay open code is great, for people feel they are a "Contributing Member" of a program." Now it has change, people whom have found the answer keep it for themselfs, others that do not have time to look into the code become upset over the fact weeks and days go by and not a peep of what is happening. Then we hear about people whom become tired of waiting and post their displeasure about this and start to make their own addtion to the program to bring it back to the orignial way this project was brought about. Then those whom I guess have found the answer flamed them and tell them to leave.

    Personly, I see both views. The people that spear headed this projected have long past moved on and have left it to others to pick up the torch. Yet those whom have, do not have the time they once did and have left the torch to pick up yet non are out there to do so.

    On the other hands those whom are not in the DEV ring, as it were, do not know what is going on and there by they feel the peole that had once had the time and have always been there to help them out have left them to the wast land to fend for themselfs.

    A question to those whom have it working is, what was needed to get it to work? Is it just the Opcode.h that needed to be fixed or is there some other things that needed to be looked at?

    Most people just needs to have some direction or point them in the right direction. I am not sure what the life of SEQ is at this time, but if any of the ones that have it working give a little insight as to what they did to get it working, it would save the rest of us from having to look at the entire code to find what has already been looked at. As to the rest that do not have a clue to how to code, perhapps we could show some consideration to the people that do know and not bagger them about it every time it gose down or a patch screws it up. For this is one of the MAJOR reason the DEV people that have worked on this in the past are not in a hast to get it done.

    Put yourself in their shoes, you do something just for the love of it, then all of a sudden it stops working. The people that used what you did, come back to you and asked you to fix it, you say sure, but then it happens over.. and over.. and over.. You will get tired of it. Been there done that...

    Yet, they should aslo look out the other side. Weeks go by, and nothing is posted.. not a word... not even "I do not have time any more to work on this, yet this is were I left off.." or "well I should have some time over the weekend to look at it, if nothing comes up and I'll take a look at it." and after that time, "well going to be a few days since this has change and this. If you want to help out do this and this while I look at this and this.."

    Make people feel they are helping out, no matter what their understanding of code writting is at and I would guess that what we see here would never have happen.

    Well if the DEV dose get it done, I know I would be happy to see it. But with all the hardship they have been put under. Can any of you blam them for stopping?
    Last edited by Shadow Walker; 03-04-2003 at 09:47 AM.

  11. #26
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    As a heads up Shadow Walker: The contributing member icon is related to a financial donation to the ShowEQ EFF donation fund. It has nothing to do with any technical contributions to the project.

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

  12. #27
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    I agree with Shadow Walker on a lot of those points. I have been using this app for going on 1 year and have never had a problem getting it running and keeping it running. I have had issues before but, I have never posted about them because I am always able to find my answer here on the boards. I for one do not have the knowledge to fix SEQ myself and rely on the Devs for fixes. It really pisses me off when I see people flaming the Devs because SEQ was not fixed 2 hours after a patch. I know if I was a Dev I would have to think twice about helping all the whiney and bitchy people that have started posting lately.

    To the Devs

    There are people that still appreciate and respect what you do for this project. Don't let the few SOBs that flame you make you lose sight of that.

  13. #28
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    Originally posted by high_jeeves
    As a heads up Shadow Walker: The contributing member icon is related to a financial donation to the ShowEQ EFF donation fund. It has nothing to do with any technical contributions to the project.

    Was not aware of the differance. Figer the Funds went to the People that were Helping to create the program. Yet since you do have it working and such, would you mind telling as to what changes were made to the program?

    Dose not need to be in detail. but if you could throw me a bone it would help in my narrowing it down to a smaller area of what to look at. I am on IRC and will be departing to take a look at another site. But if you could show me a little bit of what has changed or more direct area to look at, it would help out greatly.

  14. #29
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    Devs stopped working? I think not.

    Shadow: I would tend to agree with you on a few of your points...on the surface it's a little disheartening to hear that there are people involved in this open source project that have the "answer" worked out for themselves but for reasons of their own refuse to share any knowledge of it. However, if you follow trends recently, there are several very good reasons where you might want to keep the code to yourself, not the least of which is the fear that as soon as a fix is found out SOE will change the protocol again...disheartening yes, but i'm not sure I blame them.

    Just as a general question however why is it that once two days pass and SEQ doesn't work, the "devs have stopped working" posts start popping up...even those that say "I wouldn't blame them." What makes people even think that the devs have stopped working on the software?

    This stuff isn't small to figure out. The devs and others that contribute to the code do take a while to get things working....because there's alot to do and alot of it is very complex. If the problem is that they USED to be able to get fixes out within a day and now it's taking a week, that might be because the network protocol has gotten quite a bit tougher recently with the additions of compression, encryption, and opcode scrambling to name a few things.

    What used to be pretty akin to plain text (ok, probably not that simple, but when looked at in the larger picture) is now a jumble of bits and bytes that have to be descrambled in the right way...and that only gets you back to point where you were before the network changes; where the work can actually start to figure out what the changes are.

    It takes more time now to fix because the complexity of the protocol has increased...I don't think anyone can blame them for taking a little longer to fix the program.
    - Raistlin

  15. #30
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    Way to go.. LOL..

    Thank you devs for the infrequent updates... LOL... way to go!

    Yes, I think I am going to start my own SEQ fork and even get a sourceforge CVS account for it and then I'll just update it a few weeks after network code changes make it live. I'll make sure to time the updates to be right before another major change so that my app only works for a few days.

    Oh, and if I don't think that my app is a good thing to use when an expansion comes out, I will just disable decryption like SEQ did for Shadows of Luclin. After all, I have to follow the example of the best in the business!


    Sony says, "DING!"
    Tantoris Thule

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