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Thread: Let's Get Real People

  1. #1
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    Let's Get Real People

    (Note this was a reply, felt I should make it a topic)

    Lets get real people.....

    There is only one Active Developer who has done anything for the SEQ OPEN SOURCE project in the last few months and that is -


    I am not dissing those who started this project and since retired from it, or those who have lost interest. I just wanted to point out something that seemed obvious. Now if someone would like to post on the contrary then be my guest. Otherwise, the dev team (in terms of coders) has pretty much fallen apart, or just lost interest. Lets hope Mvern dont.

    I welcome any replies correcting my statement here. Any news is good news.

    Hai_Hai (the non coder, cry baby end user ...according to Casey)

  2. #2
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    I'll feed the troll!

    From the "Changes" file, in CVS:
    fee (floyd) 02/21/2003  (NOT MVERN!)
     + changed comparison op == to = in Makefile.dist for shell compatibility (sh vs bash)
     + fixed up Qt detection when QTDIR is not set, acinclude.m4
    bbobcat 02/20/03   (NOT MVERN!)
     + struct update to realign skill values so they work
    mvern  02/18/03
     + Misc. opcode and struct updates, also reordered the updated/working
          opcodes in opcodes.h
     + Applied patch #650401 - races fix 
    ratt 15 Feb 03
    + Applied mverns patch to fix SEQ temporarily. Will break next patch,
    	use it in good health in the mean time.
    + Bumped revision to 4.3.6 for tracking purposes.
    Thanks Mvern!
    casey 01/17/2003   (NOT MVERN!)
      + applied quackrabbits patch #669753, fixes to some packet structs.
    fee (floyd) 01/16/2003
      ShowEQ 4.3.5 
      + Applied mvern's patch to fix up the latest changes in the network code
    ratt 9 Jan 03
    + Applied mvern's opcode fixes as a temporary measure to get things
    fee (floyd)  01/03/2003  -  Happy New Year  (NOT MVERN!)
    + ShowEQ 4.3.4
     + Bug Fixes
       - resolved Qt 3.x performance issues
       - rework some zoning logic to allow for future cleanups
       - clean up some structs in everquest.h
       - temp fix for wineX users
    + Requirement update
      ShowEQ will now require Qt 3.0.5+ from this release forward. 
       Qt 2.3.2 should still work as of this release but may cease to 
       work at a future time.
    So there have been eight commits so far this year (just two months)

    Of those eight, 4 have been MVern code, 4 have not.

    This would prove to me, at least, that MVern is not the ONLY person working on SEQ.

    Nothing more to see here.

  3. #3
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    casey explained this to you in one of the other threads.

    mvern's area of expertise happens to be the area in which the most work has been required in the last few months. I know you don't like to listen to casey but that doesn't make what he said any less true.
    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things i've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherant response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you NO points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

  4. #4
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    Unless you are a moron, you realize that this project is OPEN SOURCE. That means you can look at the code, modify the code, code yer own damn code based on the code that is freely available or whatever you feel inclined to do.

    As with any other open source type project, if you don't like where things are or how they are done, you can learn and work and fix on your own.

    I would suggest that if you are impatient, unhappy with the efforts going into the project, or whatever your problem is, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ON YOUR OWN. It would be a much better use of your time than criticizing and complaining about the developers on this project.

    If, after reading this you are thinking to yourself, "well, I don't know how to contribute or I would" then take the time to READ and LEARN how one would contribute to this type of project and then do it. If you don't know how to code, LEARN HOW TO CODE. If you don't know how to analyze packets, LEARN HOW TO ANALYZE PACKETS.

    Otherwise, be thankful for whatever efforts any of the developers are willing to put into this project and remain the free rider that you are...

    So far as I can tell, if casey said that about you, casey is right. I'm a free loader, non-coder end user, but I refuse to be a cry baby about it. I also refuse to give anyone any validity who is a cry baby (yes I am referring to you)...

  5. #5
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    Re: Let's Get Real People

    Originally posted by hai_hai

    There is only one Active Developer who has done anything for the SEQ OPEN SOURCE project in the last few months and that is -


    I am not dissing those who started this project and since retired from it, or those who have lost interest. I just wanted to point out something that seemed obvious. Now if someone would like to post on the contrary then be my guest. Otherwise, the dev team (in terms of coders) has pretty much fallen apart, or just lost interest. Lets hope Mvern dont.

    I welcome any replies correcting my statement here. Any news is good news.

    Hai_Hai (the non coder, cry baby end user ...according to Casey)
    ACES! another quality hai_hai compost heap.

    read the CHANGES file before you make these claims. Luckily I've been saved the trouble of pasting it here by one our board users who shows quite a bit more intellectual capacity than yourself.

    Heres a free clue: stop putting the dev team on a pedestal. You seem to think that what we say has some special meaning, and that we owe you something.

    The word of the dev team is not that of God, dont treat it as such (this is not so apparent here, but definatly in your past postings and irc).

    Second, dont assume anything. You are frequently wrong when you try. Development has not stopped. Sure, it has slowed a little, as the nature of the changes recently have become a bit more in depth (ie, not just opcode/struct changes). And yes, not everyone is working on the problem for some reason or another, whats your complaint there? You surely are not helping.

    In fact, what is the point of your incessant whining? You are only serving to hurt. Reading your posts, i have absolutly no desire to fix anything that you may benefit from, to spend my time so that you may gain something, at no expense of your own. Luckily i can see past the idiotic users out there, and maintain motivation, even surrounded by people like you.

    lets make a deal, until you post a patch of your own that adds any feature to showeq, you shut the fuck up. It doesnt have to be a crypto fix, or anything "hard", just anything at all, to show you have more to offer to the community that half assed flames at the devs you want to work for you. Until you can put out, just stay quiet. My guess is that you wont be missed, im not the only one that thinks you are a non-coder, end user crybaby, i can assure you that.

    and to say it again for the 500'th time

    EVERYONE IS A DEVELOPER. The "dev team" here are just those that can let code into CVS. Anyone, anyone at all, can write code for showeq, when you insult developers of showeq, you insult everyone here, yourself included. think about that next time you get up to post.
    casey AT trifocus DOT net

  6. #6
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    *cheers* casey!!!

    Wow, I'd love to take send you out for a night out on the town with my charge card =~)
    (but then the other 'devs' might get jealous and that could put me in debt to my ears)

    So that leaves me only the option of expressing my heart-felt thanks in this forum. Until the time that I have learned enough to actually contribute something back, I guess this is the best I can do for now.

    Hats off to all the devs! (yes, all those who contribute something here, however large or small)
    Just say no to sigs

  7. #7
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    Hai_hai you have a crush on casey?

    You must, you only make posts designed on eliciting a reply from him (and others?)

    You (hai_hai) just keeps posting and you must be sitting on needles waiting for your jab to net a reply.

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by uncleubb
    Unless you are a moron, you realize that this project is OPEN SOURCE. That means you can look at the code, modify the code, code yer own damn code based on the code that is freely available or whatever you feel inclined to do.

    As with any other open source type project, if you don't like where things are or how they are done, you can learn and work and fix on your own.

    I would suggest that if you are impatient, unhappy with the efforts going into the project, or whatever your problem is, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ON YOUR OWN. It would be a much better use of your time than criticizing and complaining about the developers on this project.

    If, after reading this you are thinking to yourself, "well, I don't know how to contribute or I would" then take the time to READ and LEARN how one would contribute to this type of project and then do it. If you don't know how to code, LEARN HOW TO CODE. If you don't know how to analyze packets, LEARN HOW TO ANALYZE PACKETS.

    Otherwise, be thankful for whatever efforts any of the developers are willing to put into this project and remain the free rider that you are...

    So far as I can tell, if casey said that about you, casey is right. I'm a free loader, non-coder end user, but I refuse to be a cry baby about it. I also refuse to give anyone any validity who is a cry baby (yes I am referring to you)...
    This is incorrect. Showeq is licenced under the GPL. This is a far cry from 'you can do whatever you want with it'.

    Best I can tell, if people have modified the program, but have not made the source of those modifications available also under GPL, then they have violated the license (unless I'm misreading the license, it's unclear to me if simply the act of modifying the code, without any redistribution or selling of the resultant product, is a license violation).

    Sections 2 and 3 cover modifications and redistribution, but some of the legalease is fuzzy to me.

    ** opcodes.h
    ** ShowEQ Distributed under GPL

  9. #9
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    Under the GPL, if you take the code, make changes to it, but do NOT distribute it, then you are under no obligation to reveal the code that you have. However, as soon as you distribute the code, you must provide a way for others to access the source code (it doesn't have to be posted on a webpage, but must be available at least upon request). This means you can distribute a binary version of SEQ (minus libEQ.a) and only if someone asks do you have to give them access to your souce. Now they can take your changes and release them back to here if they want.

  10. #10
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    And... exactly how would that be enforced?

  11. #11
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    /Cheer Casey and all the other devs and those who contribute

    All hail those who make super posts like Hai_Hai!


  12. #12
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    You quoted my entire post and said "This is incorrect". I'll assume from your comments you were simply referring to my comments about the open source nature of the SEQ project.

    My point was not made in an effort to dilute the GPL or anything like that. My point, and I think it was made abundantly clear, was that if hai_hai has a problem with how things are going HE/SHE/IT CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT ON HIS/HER/ITS OWN. As can we all...

    If you think that is incorrect then you have serious mental issues.

  13. #13
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    Oh my lord.

    I must be smoking something REALLY bad at the moment cause I found myself nodding emphatically at a post that Casey made..

    *bow* Well said Casey, all of it.
    - Raistlin

  14. #14
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    /lurk off


    you know, I read a post in RRRRR once, you whipped up some rediculous post about no devs doing anything (insert Mvern ass kiss here) your post wasn't so harmless, and quite frankly I was thinking Casey overreacted... I read Casey's reply to your post (the one in RRRRR) and I was thinken jeez Casey is such a prick, then I took his suggestion. lets just say I stand corrected... Casey is rather nice, compaired to what *I* would have done if I were in his position!

    I read just about ALL your previous posts(as Casey suggested)..... I suggest you do the same hai_hai, then try to find ANYTHING useful you have posted. (or even done) Your posts are the very definition of counter productive. This right here answers your question about atleast SOME of what Casey does, he handles the rediculous, childish posts from you, and people LIKE you thus allowing MORE time for the coders to work their voodoo (IE. Mvern and others)

    Just so you know, there are a bunch of us out here that appreciate what you have done, and continue to do. Keep up the GREAT work! (if you need/want anything ie. test bunny, beer money ect. lemme know either here on the board, or via E-mail)

    Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to use the Search button, and find out how to put Hai_Hai on my ignore list.
    /lurk on

    Last edited by CyberDemon; 03-06-2003 at 03:32 AM.

  15. #15
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    I agree with the previous poster, I truely do appreciate all of the hard work the Dev team has done, and screw those who say they are slacking atm.

    Sure myvern has been there on the latest patches (which I also appreciate) but the Devs have been here for a long time and contributed a LOT to the cause.

    Personally I wont be contributing any coding to the cause but did donate some cash!

    Thanks everyone - Some of us definately appreciate your hard work... were lost without you

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