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Thread: Any Devs out There? ....echo ....echo ... ..and ten there was silence

  1. #31
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  2. #32
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    Haha! Borcsht!

    Although that's really, really funny, it's so true... That's 4 gig of space I can use for something more constructive.... like a porn movie.

    /waves to Linux


  3. #33
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    Originally posted by Borscht

    Well actually, currently you've got nothing going here. Except a really lively political thread in a different forum lol!

    Now it's gonna be done in Microsoft. Well golly, who would have thought?

    The point to learn here is that, in the long run, it's best to learn and employ the prevailing OS. All the energy expended trying to "hold Microsoft at bay" was as useless as it was wasted.

    Linux is interesting, in a Betamax sorta way. It's like homemade aircraft...kinda cool...but I wouldn't fly one.
    Heh? Thats gotta be the most idiotic thing I've heard today.

    I manage an arm of a company that has 20+ desktop boxes and 10 servers. All running linux. Desktop is kde. Why do we use linux?

    Servers: Er. Secure. Did I mention they are secure? Oh yea, btw, they are SECURE. Our competitiors had thier whole operation go down for a week with the M$ Sql debacle. We are SECURE. Also, we dont ahve to reboot our servers every day. Our cpu liscenses arent extreme when we elect to use comercial software. In most places we use OpenSource, and we contribute cash to the companies to code it (mySQL for instance.). Oh yea, the servers are SECURE.

    Desktops: We dont type lots of papers/memos and stuff to be printed out. We dont do lots of spreadsheets or power point presentions. What little we do we do in OpenOffice. WE DO however use a handbuilt point of sale, inventory control, you name it dohicky thats running out of said servers (apache/embedded perl) and displayed/interfaced using a browser. We elect to use mozilla here. Use linux on teh desktops lets us manage all the users home directories on a bserver via nfs. We can control what they are working on. We can guarantee that the mail going in and out is secure and virus free. Oh yea, plus the desktops are SECURE. Asnap to upgrade (gentoo). I can upgrade all 20 + desktops with one command. No screwing around. All comes off the net. No running around like a madman updating each individually, or using coaster.

    Most buisness is done via Browser/Email program. Kde is a nice desktopp. Kmail is secure and uses pgp. Mozilla is a GREAT browser. Ease of use, secure, you name it. Whats not to like?

    I'm not the only way to think like this. ALOT of CFO's are starting to understand. M$ is really starting to hurt thier pocketbooks with the insane liscenses and upgrades. Plus the whole scurity mess is starting to hit the pocketbook. Alot of my competitors are, unfortunately, switching to Linux. Wish they would stay with M$ :P

    Linux is really a work OS. If you wanna play or have pretty graphics, go use M$. Linux is rock stable and gets the job done. It doesnt quit. Ever.
    Last edited by Fantastik; 03-26-2003 at 01:07 PM.

  4. #34
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    Originally posted by Ratt

    I've topped by bike out at about 170 mph so far... but it still had quite a bit of throttle left.

    My guess is I could hit close to 170 knots with the throttle wide open on a nice flat piece of land

    The fence posts whipping by me gets me a bit jittery past 150 or so.
    looks like i need a faster plane with a nice tailwind at 10k, ive managed to get our groundspeed up to 150 kts in cruise, and somewhat faster in a descent.

    /me goes out to get multi time in a nice twin to have the satisfaction of going 180 kts

    nice bike btw, and you are crazy

  5. #35
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    Originally posted by casey

    looks like i need a faster plane with a nice tailwind at 10k, ive managed to get our groundspeed up to 150 kts in cruise, and somewhat faster in a descent.

    /me goes out to get multi time in a nice twin to have the satisfaction of going 180 kts

    nice bike btw, and you are crazy
    Ya he is... I can see it now.. 2 am soutbound MoPac ... DPS officer is awaken by the alarm on his radar.. he sits up with a start, looks at the radar LED display, shakes his head and resets the display and goes back to sleep..

  6. #36
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    Heh? Thats gotta be the most idiotic thing I've heard today.
    You haven't read any of the anti-war posts in the General forum then!

    Hey, use Linux. I don't care. But someday, you'll be reformatting and installing a mainstream NOS. Just a prediction.

    And when that happens, your job is probably forfeit. As you've likely wasted all your time becoming an expert on a fringe operating system.

  7. #37
    Registered User Lyroschen's Avatar
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    Wow, blind-fighting. <g> I'm not sure what's out there, but I bet I can hit it if I close my eyes....

    I'm an MS person (meaning I use their software). And much in the way Borscht speaks, it's because of their dominance in the home PC market.

    But, to dismiss the benefits other OS's have to offer out of hat like that, is short-sighted to say the least B.

    EDIT: Oh, and I agree Ratt is a crazy mo-fo

  8. #38
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    Originally posted by Borscht

    Hey, use Linux. I don't care. But someday, you'll be reformatting and installing a mainstream NOS. Just a prediction.

    And when that happens, your job is probably forfeit. As you've likely wasted all your time becoming an expert on a fringe operating system.
    i do wonder what's mainstream. solaris? novell? AIX? *shrug*
    and since the network code in windows is so .. similar to unix (i'm sure they've actually written some by now but still), i can admin an NT machine fine once i find behind which of the maze of twisty option-boxes they've hidden the setting i'm looking for.

    and like it or not, there are several places where your prediction can't come true for money. i work for a charity. so oddly, when we need a new fileserver, i don't buy something capable of running win2kserver plus licenses. i re-use one of the semi-obsolete PIIs and put samba on it.

  9. #39
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    Originally posted by Borscht

    You haven't read any of the anti-war posts in the General forum then!

    Hey, use Linux. I don't care. But someday, you'll be reformatting and installing a mainstream NOS. Just a prediction.

    And when that happens, your job is probably forfeit. As you've likely wasted all your time becoming an expert on a fringe operating system.
    Er you do realize that 90% of the mail that travels the internet goes through a unix machine. over 60% of the html. These numbers are increasing, not decreasing.

    And M$ is not a NOS. Its an OS. Even M$ doesnt try and represent it as a NOS. They would be laughed at by IBM, Sun, Csico, and the millions of conusmers who use NOS's.

    Having pretty graphics doesnt make a NOS. Have a realtime kernel with a secure stack and a privledge system makes a NOS. M$ lacks all 3.

    You above post outlines your ignorance. I'll ignore you from now on.

  10. #40
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    Don't be too hard on him. He sounds like someone who just finished getting his MCSE. MS has never been a technology company. They are a marketing company. And you don't get to be as big and successful as they are as a marketing company if you aren't pretty damn good at it.

    My own understanding of the TCP/IP stack was screwed up for months because my first formal training in the protocol was a MS class for my MCSE.

    It is only after being out in the RW for a while and getting away from the spin doctors at MS that you begin to see how screwed up their OSs actually are.
    To search, or not to search,--that is the question:--
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous flaming
    Or to take a look at the search function,
    And by using it, end them?

  11. #41
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    Heh yea. The little I saw onf the NT TCP stack scared the bejesus out of me. Trying to set up routes of any type past a basic NAT looks like a nightmare.

    I don't understand why M$ mangles it that bad. Its actually HARDER to code that mangled mess. Stevens and Comer wrote a 3 volume set YEARS ago that is the TCP bible. Everyone in the industry has a copy on thier desk and uses it when there is a TCP question. Doesnt matter if its sockets or STREAMS, everyone uses the Stevens/Comer books. How hard would it have been for M$ to use them? :P
    Last edited by Fantastik; 03-27-2003 at 01:49 PM.

  12. #42
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    Also just read that articly on slashdot/register where M$ is refusing to fix known gaping security holes in NT:

    shmigget writes "The Register is reporting that Microsoft is throwing in the towel as far as NT 4 is concerned on the latest security flaw to affect Windows 2000, XP, and NT 4. They quote Microsoft as saying 'The architectural limitations of Windows NT 4.0 do not support the changes that would be required to remove this vulnerability.'" There still is a workaround for NT 4.0. Instead of patching the problem, it's advised to firewall off port 135 on an affected machine.
    Baby Jesus. M$ is literally saying "go buy a linux/unix firewall to protect our crap-ass OS" It amazes me people use the OS for anything besides games.

  13. #43
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    um... how old is NT 4.0? That isnt there way of saying buy linux its their way of saying upgrade you tard!

  14. #44
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    tard. heh.. huh heh beavis.. heheh

    Seriously. Guess what. Win2k/xp is based off the nt4 kernel. Its pretty much nt4 with windowdressing.

    Oh yea, and i wanna pay $500 bux to have my nt box thats acting as a web and mail server upgraded to 2k/xp so I can get "pretty graphics". Er. no. I want the nt4 box to keep dishing out mail and html as a SERVER (its a server os, remember?) like its been doing.

    It's not a coincidence Win 2003 server just went gold this week.

    You pay the 5 grand site liscense to upgrade your servers for enhanced graphics. I'll keep using my linux and solaris boxes to dish out 5 to 100x the throughput for a fraction of the price.

  15. #45
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    Originally posted by Fantastik
    You pay the 5 grand site liscense to upgrade your servers for enhanced graphics. I'll keep using my linux and solaris boxes to dish out 5 to 100x the throughput for a fraction of the price. [/B]

    I'm reporting you to the Man

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