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Thread: Cannot get it to work

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Apr 2003

    Cannot get it to work

    I feel like a moron or something, but I can't get this to work.

    I downloaded all the required files, the server is in C:\Downloads\wseq\myseqserverc\* and the client is in C:\Downloads\wseq\myseq\* and the maps are in \myseq\maps\*

    I am attempting to run both the server and client on the same PC, I set the client, inside preferences, to connect to (localhost) and whatever default port was already there.

    Then I log into EQ completely, run the server, then run the client. I give it a few to connect and stuff, yet nothing at all happens, the client runs, screen is black, no map, no nothing. Server DOS box still says "waiting for new connection...".

    Is there anything else I'm supposed to do? That doesn't require compiling? I don't have nor want the .net compiler. And yes, I've installed the .net framework already.

    - Icon

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Well, it's official, I AM a moron.

    I missed the damn GO button on the bottom of the screen.

    Now it connects to the server, but is really weird and buggy. I'm running the very newest, test2a or whatever, and it's only partially working. The map wont auto-load, the mobs wont show, nothing shows up except ME, and even I don't move when I really move. I move in the game, and it doesn't update in MySEQ unless I hit STOP then GO, then reload the map.

    I feel like I'm still missing something obvious.

    Does it not work with EQW? I don't see why it wouldn't.

    - Icon

  3. #3
    Registered User MrDoh's Avatar
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    I've never tried to run both parts on the same PC, so I can't say how well that works. I have heard of a few people having problems on the same machine, but that was many versions ago, and something may have changed.

    Also, is this happening in a particular zone, or have you tried this in multiple zones?

    Mr. Doh

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    It may not correctly find the process with EQW I'll try it today.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    It works fine, you just have to close and restart both the server and the client. It always b0rk3s the first time, but runs just shanazzy the second.

    Oh look I made up a word! Go me!

    - Icon

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Yup Icon


    I was having the exact same screen, no map, just myself in the center...then while IN GAME, shut it down and restarted everything.

    Definitely SHANAZZY...heh, I like the sound of that...THANKS CAVEMANBOB!!!

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    What are the OS requirements for running the server and client.
    Currently I am running the Server on my Win98 EQ machine ip and the client on a WinXP system ip

    My configuration is
    internet-----> Cable modem ----->Linux Mandrake 8.2 (SEQ machine (firewall) ------->
    Switch ------Win98 EQ machine MYSEQ Server
    | -------WinXP MySEQ Client (laptop) machine
    |--------Win98 system (second EQ machine)

    Client does nothing... server recognizes the client

    SEQ works fine but Myseq does nothing.

    I have read good thing about your Proggie and would like alternatives for game play

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Windows NT, 2000 and XP will work for sure with either the client or server.

    The client might work on win 98, but there's been reports of it not working. I've never tested the server on win98 so I can't speak to it's working there. I think I'm going to look into the win 98 compatibility today, so there might be a patch later if I can track down the problems

  9. #9
    Registered User MrDoh's Avatar
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    Probably not the problem, but

    This is probably not the problem, but it gets me nearly everytime for about 2 seconds until I realize. D'oh.

    Everytime you update the client, it changes the IP address back to the standard that it uses. I invariably just hit go, and then freak when it doesn't connect. Then it dons on me... oh yea, change the address.

    I know this isn't your problem (because you said the server recognizes the connection), so I don't know why I chose to show my ineptness. hehe

    Mr. Doh

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Jul 2002
    The Server works on a Windows98 machine.
    Have the following OS running:

    Win98: EQ & MySEQ-Server
    WinXP: MySEQ Client

    Only error it occured is that Server can't find the new zone-key after zoning - I must restart MySEQ-Server than everything works fine.

    BTW Good work, Cave

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I'll look at that along with the other win98 issues soon I hope, other more important real life issues have required attention the last few days. Gotta find me a job among others lol

  12. #12
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    I had it working on the same machine using EQW.
    I had to get 2.35a for EQW.
    I didnt set the ip to i set mine to which is the ip of my EQ box. and it worked.
    You will want a big monitor like 21inchs to see all the stuff.

  13. #13
    Registered User
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    Nov 2002

    Thumbs up A matter of timing


    I got it working with your new release 1.8a server and 1.10 client.

    It could have been the way I was starting everything. started EQ, got into game, started server, started client POW Skittles and a map!!!

    Nice work!!!

    I am getting errors when in the Luclin zones though with a big red X on the client and a lot of beeps from the server. Does this mean that there is something wrong with the map?

    Nice to have alternatives to SEQ

    Again Great piece of coding!
    History became Legend.....
    Legend became Myth.....
    and somethings that should have not be forgotten.....
    were lost....
    Until Now...

  14. #14
    Registered User
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    Dec 2002
    yea eqw works well with mseq now. it was only the earlier versions that seemed to have problems. mseq will always read the first process of eqgame

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