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Thread: Red Hat 9 install

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Apr 2002

    Red Hat 9 install

    Anyone install ShowEq on redhat 9? Downloading it tongiht and gonna give it a shot. Wanted to get some feedback beforet then. thanks.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Nov 2002
    Works like a dream. Use the same install method for RH8 that is posted in several places. It has to be the simplest O/S for running SEQ.

  3. #3
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    Redhat 9 install

    Yes I agree. All I had to do after installing Red-Hat 9 was add the qt-devel rpm and SEQ compiled fine. This was after about 4 hours of troubleshooting trying to get my mandrake 8.0 box to work again. Just said screw it and upgraded.


  4. #4
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    All the needed RPMs are there ready for DL or Sync'ing up with your system. Just get the required RPMs and it works golden. I didn't have to do any extra hacks to get it running.

    (forced to wipe RH7, so installed RH9)

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    No doubt the easist install yet.

    Just chose custom install, picked a few packages, and clicked "select indiviual packages". USed "Flat View" to ensure all the packages I needed where there. Some where not listed, but did not affect the install of showeq. As for gcc3, its jsut listed as gcc which is good. And no need to download qt, just insure qt is a selected package, belived its qt 3.1.1 or something like that. Finshed the install, downloaded libeq, downloaded showeq, did the make -f, ./configure, make, makeinstall and was done. No need to download gcc, no need to download qt, no need to export anything. Sweet and simple.

    If anyone wants me to i can post the list of packages to choose during install, as well as list the packages that are not installed but not required.

    note total install size was 2.6gig, but can be trimmed down alot as i choose alot of packages to play around with.

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Way easy

    Kongfu, please list neeeded files for redhat. I installed using all but would like to cut out whtever isnt needed.


  7. #7
    Registered User
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    quick question on this....

    ive run linux for a cpl years slackware and redhat BUT ive always wiped my drive before upgradeing...

    now question is i have RH 8 setup working nicely and i was thinkin about goin up to 9. can i just install over 8? or is there an upgrade option to redhat? ive never really checked nor bothered but i dont want to wipe just for RH9 so if not then ill stick with 8....

  8. #8
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    Yes, you can upgrade - it's one of the options if you boot off the CD. I would ask yourself why you're upgrading though. What does Redhat 9 have that 8 doesn't? The new version of KDE? A few more package updates? Use up2date and you'll be using all the same packages. A new kernel version? Grab the new kernel source and compile it up.

    If you're doing it because you want to be cool and run the newest version, then by all means go for it. If you're doing it because you just want the latest packages, then just update what you have now, especially if it's working. Remember, Redhat is just a distribution - a collection of packages. If you keep your system up to date, your Redhat version 5 install could look just like a version 9 setup.

  9. #9
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    i beg to differ, i don't think you could bring a redhat 5 system up to date with just rpms. even redhat 7.1 using "up2date" has no where near "current" version and to install packages from 9 you would need to update you glibc packages, gcc packages... pretty much everything. i've never seen rpm handle that sort of an update gracefully.

    of course, i'm not talking about the upgrade function on the cds themselves, just using rpms to update it manually. personally, i usually do a full reinstall also... why end up with all the kruft that could/can/does occur when you update

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Jan 2002
    Originally posted by Pokesfan
    Works like a dream. Use the same install method for RH8 that is posted in several places. It has to be the simplest O/S for running SEQ.
    I believe my install of Mandrake was faultless as well. I tried RH but the ease of setup by Mandrake convinced me. ))

    This is a new discovery that will make your life easier.

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Apr 2003
    hehe yeah i guess your right the only thing i think i seen different from 8 to 9 was some new kde look i think it was.... but i was wondering if they added anything to their distro since RH 8 up2date only updates packages you have, if they added new stuff into 9 up2date wont snag it.

    but anyway i think ill stick with 8 i usually do a full reinstall and i really dont feel like it ATM.

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