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Thread: See I told you so....

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    See I told you so....

    I had sorta given up on trying to convince the SEQ board community that playing "nice" moves the project forward and being "cute and rude/RTFM/Search" only runs folks off because frankly I figure I had lost the debate and the "cute and rude/RTFM/Search" types prevailed....and they may still.
    But if there was ever a case of "I told you so" (almost-will explain later) it is this one post"

    After reading this post here is Piggy (A newb to the project ) that walked in and fixed SEQ. In Ratt's post asking about being a little nicer one of the arguments by the experienced great minds on the project was (I paraphrase here) "There is no way some newb is going to waltz in here and fix SEQ since we superior minded greater coders can"t do it easily" Well if piggy really has fixed it like he says that sure puts egg on you genius types faces.

    Please do not mistake this as a insult to your coding abilities and all the effort you put into being great coders for that you have my utmost respect. The point I have always made is "Just because you are great or gifted in a given area do not make the mistake of believing only you can do it and your path to success is the only way". Life has taught me " no matter how great you are someone is better or smarter".

    But the real "I told you so" is look at how he was treated both in IRC and in one post I could not believe was posted.

    He goes in to IRC and basically guys hey "I fixed SEQ, how do I get it to the project community". Serves it up to the great minds on a silver platter and because of their elitist (no one can come in here and fix what we can not) attitudes they dump all over the guy.

    Earlier in my post I typed [I told you so (almost-will explain later)] the "almost" is it did not run him off from the project as a whole as I have been pointing out was a danger of elitist/RTFM/SEARCH types controlling the atmosphere on the boards. But is sure ran him off of the IRC channel.

    Piggy did not give up but then ask on the boards "Hey I fixed SEQ, how do I post it to the community"? And there is a reply I could not believe I was seeing. Blueadept replies
    "I would have to agree that waiting until after the servers come back up on monday morning might be prudent. That way there wont be a string of "Why doenst my SEQ work any more" posts if they do break it again. "

    Blueadept has the audacity to reply no please don"t post the fix since it will cause some newbs to post "Why doesn"t my SEQ work any more" . That"s right it's more important to keep Blueadept from HAVING to read a "Why doesn't my SEQ work any more" that putting up a working SEQ for a day or two. Unbelieveable!

    It does prove a few things I have said all along:
    1. Someone who is new to the project can waltz in here and fix SEQ when the elites could not.
    2. The rude folks will run off new talent (we are lucky he was only run off from IRC at this stage)
    3. Blueadept/rude/RTFM/Search types will dissuade even a fixed SEQ from reaching the community.

    What It did not prove that I have said was it would run off new talent COMPLETEY from the least piggy is still trying to post it on the boards but a few more Blueadept post and he may take his working SEQ and candy and go away and FRANKLY FROM THE RESPONSE HE RECEIVED I WOULDN'T BLAME HIM A BIT.

    FLAME ON.....I know the elitist will spin this exampe of what I have said all along but then again part of being an elitist is rationalizing reality so you are NEVER proven wrong.

    Last edited by Kimbler; 05-18-2003 at 06:57 AM.
    Those that perpetually scream RTFM or use the SEARCH key......Talk to the HAND!! If my questions bother you then don't respond at all, the result will be the same. You will be completely ignored.

  2. #2
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Why do you always want to stir up trouble Kimbler? What good have you done for this board? All you seem to do is bitch about everything.

    Its not that I didnt want him to post the fix, I thought it would be better to wait until after the patch to post it.

    If the fix wasnt available until after the patch, it might have kept them from changing the op codes for a week. Maybe we will get lucky and they wont break it with this patch since it is a small one. Who knows.

    Also face it. When/if SEQ is broken again, there WILL be the inevitable "My SEQ is broken someone fix it for me NOW" posts. You will also notice the next to it meaning I was kidding.

    I am glad that Codepig figured it out and is willing to share his efforts.
    Last edited by BlueAdept; 05-18-2003 at 08:01 AM.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  3. #3
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    As far as I am concerned, Kimbler, people like you with a sense of entitlement is the primary reason there is so much trouble with this project. People like you is the reason I have not posted any of my patches.

    I lose faith and post a little nugget of info to see what happens. I see that a number of people take it and run with it. These posts you are complaining about are in hopes of limiting having to hear from crying babies like yourself.

    If I was "hurt" by someone else breaking my fragile ego by releasing a patch before me, I would not have release a how-to guide on finding the new implicit length opcodes.

    Go onto the IRC channel sometime. During the introduction of 64 bit SOE encryption, there were many comments it used DES CBC. With this "information" a flood of "I know how to break DES in 10 seconds or less" irc chatters appeared. I know that if this "newb", as you (Kimbler) calls him, really does know how to break DES that fast, it would likely be on CNN before it came to IRC.

    I really wish you would go back to your rabbit hole. Your close to making me want to leave.

  4. #4
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    To Fester and all others losing the ‘fun factor’

    I realize it can't be helped sometimes... we are human after all, but try not to let others affect how you act or feel at least in this aspect of life.

    Realize that for every person that annoys the hell out of you, there are many many others that truly appreciate your efforts. It simply sucks that the squeaky wheel, the pain in the ass, the 'it is all about me' mentalities, or the people ‘looking for all the injustices of the world’ are usually the ones that leech away the fun factor.

    Hope you find the 'fun factor' again.
    Last edited by Alfred; 05-18-2003 at 08:20 AM.

  5. #5
    Registered User domesticbeer's Avatar
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    Kimbler, I guess logic is not one of your strong points.

    Why post a patch that will only break on monday? Sounds like an effort in futility. Come back Tuesday after you fixed what was broke on monday and the post that patch. That seems more logical.

  6. #6
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    Originally posted by Alfred
    Realize that for every person that annoys the hell out of you, there are many many others that truly appreciate your efforts.
    Well said, Alfred. I am one of the "silent majority" so to speak, and I'm quite grateful for the efforts of everyone who helps advance the ShowEQ project, in large ways and small. Ignoring the idtiots is one of the hardest things to do in an online community, because they tend to have such a loud voice.

    Just to echo what Alfred said, please remember the people like me that read the documentation, use the search button, and patiently await the next patch to ShowEQ so we can get on with our virtual entertainment.

  7. #7
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    After reading this post here is Piggy (A newb to the project ) that walked in and fixed SEQ.
    this statement, and the basis for the argument is false.

    codepig666 isnt what i'd call a newbie to the project, he just doesnt post here a lot.
    casey AT trifocus DOT net

  8. #8
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    1. Someone who is new to the project can waltz in here and fix SEQ when the elites could not.
    You have no clue what it means to get out that info of the data stream ...

    Better you should use "search" and quit posting .. i have not seen anything usefull from you ...

    -- LC
    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  9. #9
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    You know what really sucks about people like Kimbler?

    They post with emotions they do not feel. He is most likely enjoying our responses. These people post about problems they don't believe really exist. I don't believe Kimbler really believes anything from his post.

  10. #10
    Guest GregChant's Avatar
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  11. #11
    Registered User Mongo222's Avatar
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    Well, look, I already told you. I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don’t have to!! I have people skills!! I am good at dealing with people!!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!!!!!!!

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