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Thread: Redhat precompiled packages

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Lightbulb Redhat precompiled packages

    Hi there people!

    I am a long'ish time user of showeq, but i mostly stayed passive
    Now after 4 guildies had problem compiling it, I send them my precompiled binaries, which helped them right away. So I was wondering wether there is a "demand" for pre-compiled binaries? I am prolly not the first one to suggest it, but oh well

    Anyway, I am offering my binaries here:

    Usefull or not ?

    If you guys use it I would keep it up to date.

  2. #2
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    Just got the confirmation that is does run out-of-the-box under slackware (std. install) without adding any libraries.

  3. #3
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    Flame me if I'm wrong but....

    I believe one of the reasons SEQ was never offered as a complete compiled package was to make it more difficult for the uninitiated non-Unix joe to get the system up and running. This would limit the number of people using seq and thus keep it relatively below the radar from Sony staff. With all of the latest changes, I'm not sure if this is still valid reasoning for the project (i.e. let loose the dogs of war).

    I think another reason was the compiled binaries end up different based on what flavor of unix your running (Redhat, Mandrake, Debian etc) and what RPM versions your currently running. I'm not sure if your binaries would work on someone elses systems unless they have exactly the same flavor and RPM versions as you do.

    If this info is wrong, please feel free to flame me as a noob for I freely admit that I am one when it comes to Unix systems.
    Last edited by makeitworknow; 06-09-2003 at 09:56 AM.

  4. #4
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    Regarding the no-noobs section of your post, you are right. This was meant to offer the file(s) to everyone. Its there to help. But also, if you download the cvs or the current snapshot, there is a INSTALL file that explains every step neccessary. Also, there is a INSTALL.newbie file, that is really going through the process on a step-by-step basis. So, if anyone wants to have it, they get it. So or so, and i think thats what this program is there for, imho As such, i dont belive that the number of showeq users will go up only by me offering pre-build binaries, no sir. After all, installing, useing and maintaining Linux is way more complicated that doing the step-by-step install instructions.

    Now to the RPM / Libraries needed. The different flavors dont make the difference, the rpms or self-made doesnt make the difference too. For example, if it needs QT 3.+ it doesnt matter wether you have the RPM build of QT, the self-compiles version of QT, or a Debian package, whatever - as long as you have it (compiled with -thread). The only thing that does matter is that the 4 needed requirements (needed requirements? Thats double-doubled..) are there in the version it needs.

    In conclusion -imho- This is only to shorten the time you need to install it, and it isnt even guaranteed it will work for you.


  5. #5
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    In the past I'd say you should take that down but with the proliferation of Windows versions and etc. I don't see the number of users as being an issue any longer.

    However, I would warn anyone downloading any binary form of SEQ from and Unknown/Untrusted source. No offense DemonLord, but I don't know you. Your word is all we have as proof that your binary of SEQ is legit. Since SEQ (usually) runs with root privileges, any malicious code that may be included in a precompiled binary would have free reign of the system.

    I'm not saying DemonLord's binary has any malicious code in it at all. It's just something people new to Linux/SEQ should think about whenever they download precompiled code.
    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things i've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherant response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you NO points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

  6. #6
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    I agree S_B_R. It really isnt that hard to add code to sniff your EQ login and password. I would never run anything without either compiling from the source or unless I really trust the person who it came from.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

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  7. #7
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    Yes, true. Those are valid reasons one should consider downloading those. And nothing I say would make a difference, which is fine by me. But unless told to take it down or strong disagreement, I keep it online for those that need a helping hand.


  8. #8
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    Just a slow poke
    Updated the binaries with the latest "hack" found in the forum to make showeq work again.


  9. #9
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    The first build I ever did of ShowEQ was using Slackware 8.0. I used nothing but source compiles, it ran very smooth. Not one time did I ever have a glitch in compiling.

    Then.. I built a more advanced box, running Redhat 6.1, and upgrading from time to time, until now running RedHat 8.1. Using RPM's..

    Yes.. Install time was shortened dramatically, but.. I had to contend with many versions of some of the same libraries in many cases. Acted very slow and sluggish.

    One day.. I wiped my redhat clean, and re-installed it WITHOUT any resources..

    Then, downloaded every advanced version, libraries, kernels and sources. Manually compiled and streamlined my kernel. System is a P-III 600 with 382mb Ram. 20gb 7200rpm Seagate.. and it runs like a champ.

    I agree with BA. (Blue_Adept). It is a nice thing to do for the Newbies, to make precompiled binaries or easy to install RPM's.. but they learn nothing. Just like the new patch, Fixing the restrictions on Group Buffs, make all the lowbies and newbies actually LEARN their Classes..

    I learned how to optimize and make sure my system ran well. I kinda miss not having SlackWare.. but, my RedHat is working great now.

  10. #10
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    I love RedHat too =)

    Thats why i just updated the page with the MobUpdateCode fix.
    And some newbies just dont want to learn, or they miss all the needed prerequesites to do it, they just want SEQ. Thats waht this is for =)

  11. #11
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    Update 08/30/03: As the CVS was fixed, i took the tarball and did a showeq build from it. Both can be downloaded from

    Have fun!

  12. #12
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    As a safety thing, someone could compile showeq and run an MD5 check sum on it, I would think that one could compare that to the binary in the rpm?

  13. #13
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    Good question. I think if you have the same libraries and use the tarball from the site here, and strip the binaries afterwards, yes, you should get the same md5sums. Buf guess you'll have to try. If it doesnt work, try compiling the source i supplied, that should at least match, i guess. If it doesnt, well, then md5sum wont help at all.


  14. #14
    Registered User
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    You know what would work?

    Quit posting the damned things.

    That would work.
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    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous flaming
    Or to take a look at the search function,
    And by using it, end them?

  15. #15
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    Thumbs up DemonLord

    Just dropping a note to let you know all your work and the pre-compiles is much appreciated.
    -Unix Noob, but learning.

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