Just had to pass this experience I had on...

I had SEQ running for a couple of weeks and I brought up the messages window. I wanted to go back and see some comments that had scrolled of my EQ screen. I started to uncheck a bunch of the categories so I could filter down to just group speak.

Well when you have been running for weeks you have thousands and thousands of channel messages in your message log. When this happens it takes a long time for the filter to sort out what you want. Since each filter click takes a couple of minutes to apply and I clicked it a bunch of times, I locked up my SEQ session for like half an hour. (This part doesn't rock.)

What does rock, however, is the fact that when the filtering finally caught up, SEQ caught up and properly delt with decoding and displaying all of the packets that came in over the last half hour, including a zone change.

Kudos to robust queuing and code!