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Thread: ShowEQ 4.3.18 unknown spawn discussions

  1. #31
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    The reason I pointed to your network is because you seem to be the only one with this problem (possibly Alfred too). I don't have it, none of the people I play with that also use SEQ have this problem. So logically something with your particluar setup is the culprit...

    The ping things were just a stab in the dark. You'd have to let them run for q few minutes atleast to have a chance at seeing something I bet. Granted EQ isn't a bandwidth hog, but it surely takes alot more than a simple ping, which would make ping less useful...
    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things i've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherant response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you NO points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

  2. #32
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    I get it too sometimes.

    When it happens, it totally stops decoding new spawns and wont update old ones. If it is missing a packet, why does it just stop decoding? Is it the way the decryption is done that it cant skip any packets?
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

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    Famous Quotes:

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  3. #33
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    I'm 99% sure that's the case BA.
    "What you've just said is one of the most insanely, idiotic things i've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherant response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you NO points, and may god have mercy on your soul."

  4. #34
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    ping: 3800packets, 0 packets lost

    ping -s 1000: 266 packets, 0 lost (stopped that due to kiting)
    ping -f: 147853 packets , 0 packet loss

    i realise that this network is most likely the problem, but i really can't find anything. the alternative is that it's something to do with my account/characters.

  5. #35
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    I don't believe it is a dropped packet. I do believe it is simply a different opcode sequence that seq doesn't know how to handle. Why?

    This happened a few weeks ago with the exact same results and that is what the verdict was. Does it happen alot? No it doesn't, and therefore I've been lazy about sending in a capture file to nail down the problem.

  6. #36
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    i'm afraid not alfred - i tried it from work.. worked fine. i rebuild seq on my desperately old machine (p166 is *not* a good idea and it works fine.

    so it's not the network - it would seem to be network card related.

  7. #37
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    Perhaps we are talking about different things?

    How could, testing at work really resolve the issue? In my case there isn't a magic thing to do or wait for. The problem is.. that the unknown mobs are excactly that, unknown. How can you "know" that it works 'at work' when it is more likely that you simply haven't seen the unhandled sequence yet?

  8. #38
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    maybe it was different. i got consistent total unknowns. i know this because i could zone, and get unknowns before zone finishes.. staying in a zone for more than 5 minutes caused everything new to go unknown. i sat in a high traffic area (PoK) for an hour - which would have been unthinkable on my home computer to still get decodes.

    basically the problems i was having were such that seq could only track the zone-spawns .. and then only intermitantly after a couple of minutes. any new spawns were right out.

    so - being able to wait on a quest mob spawning for 2 hours was a pretty good test. and it worked. i think installed it on the crappy old computer at home. that worked as well. (and still is).

    i can still not find any problem with the original machine/network card - but another machine on the same hub is working fine where that one was unusable.

    so my problem - with unknowns *was* due to a faulty computer in some form and not the network/hub/EQ.

    if you're getting occasional unknowns - fine. get a packet log and send it to zaphod. i did. but the packet log i sent was 1 minute long, and included 20+ unknowns zoning into/out of PoT. (i targetted some, and they wouldn't target until the spawn moved in seq)

    and now i'll be trying to see what it does on my frowned-upon machine.

  9. #39
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    I have EXACT same problem

    I am running the beta on a linux box with Fedora Core 1. Upon zoning, sometimes it won't load anything, or something it will load the map and no spawns, or sometimes some spawns too but not all, and other times everything. If it does load everything, after so long, it stops functioning completely... or partially. I will be picking up drops on the ground and they won't disappear, npcs dont turn to corpses, corpses don't disappear, spells don't update, movement isn't updated (except mine), and unknowns start popping up all the time. Now here is the best part, I have a laptop that I have run seq on for a long time, if I use this with the 4.x it works fabulously! I haven't put beta on the laptop yet, and I haven't put 4.x on the regular linux box yet, waiting for the 4.x update for that. But just to say, its probably not the network causing it since I have two computers and only one does it. When the 4.x update is released ill say if that fixed my problem or not.


  10. #40
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    Since the day GoD came out I have had the problem of Unknown Spawns. The day(s) before that, it was working fine.

    I am using the latest release of SEQ 4x.

    Recompiled with the new decode.cpp that was posted (which stopped many seg faults after GoD came out).

    What happens for me is:

    Zone into any zone, everything is fine, map and all spawns.

    Start killing stuff, you can see the mob's corpse and the name of the corpse. Then respawn on all dead mobs are 'unknown'. Any players that zone in after me are 'unknown'. Also if a mob spawn is triggered from killing other mobs, the new spawned mob is unknown.

    If I zone out then in, or die and get rezzed in, SEQ decodes all just fine.

    I got no clue what this could be, just what others have said, maybe respawn comes with a new opcode?

  11. #41
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    Last I checked, SEQ 4.x is not fully fixed to work with GoD. The patched decode.cpp helps to fix some of the issues, but not all.

  12. #42
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    It would be interesting to know if anyone does not have this problem at all with SEQ 4x.

  13. #43
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    Judging by the lack of response I would have to guess that quite a few people don't have this issue with 4.x or 5.x.

    That 5.x on one box has issues and 4.x on another had no issues doesn't rule out the network, it just rules out any pieces of equipment that are the same between them (e.g. the router, hub, etc...) It does not rule out issues with a network card, cables, etc...

  14. #44
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    Not version

    I tested out the 4.x version, and had the same problem on my linux box. So it works on the laptop but not on the tower, they use the same crappy hub, now I will be changing the network card and network cable. I will post back when I can with results.


  15. #45
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    Originally posted by Cryonic
    Judging by the lack of response I would have to guess that quite a few people don't have this issue with 4.x or 5.x.
    Actually, I do see this problem (4.x) but am assuming it has to do with the GoD opcodes. Since work is in progress already on that issue (another thread), I haven't posted an "I'm broken too" since it really accomplishes nothing at this point.


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