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Thread: New CVS version and MOC

  1. #1
    Registered User lildr00d's Avatar
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    Question New CVS version and MOC

    After updateing my CVS tree I run my normal compile batch

    #make -f Makefile.dist

    After the configure is where I am running into problems with the new CVS.
    checking for Qt... yes
    >> Found version.: 2.3.2
    >>> Headers........: /opt/qt-gcc3-2.3.2/include/
    >>>> Libraries......: /opt/qt-gcc3-2.3.2/lib/
    >>>>> Workable..: -*{YES}*-
    checking for QT MOC... configure: error: No working Qt meta object compiler (moc) found!

    Configure was ubable to locate a moc binary anywhere on your system!

    If you have a working moc binary, please set the enviroment veriable MOC to point to the location of your moc binary and run configure over.

    As a last resort, it make be possible to eliminate this error by typeing:
    export MOC='updatedb && locate moc | grep bin/moc' (with the 's)

    No luck - I even run the "last resort" method and it finds the moc at /opt/qt-gcc3-2.3.2/bin/moc

    Any ideas on how to fix this problem or reinstall qt's to fix this

  2. #2
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    Frogfry posted this for me but i got the same error so i added the export line:

    make distclean
    cvs -d:pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/seq login
    cvs -z3 update
    cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/seq logout
    head -n 10 CHANGES
    export CC=gcc3 ; export CXX=g++3 ; export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt-2.3.2
    make -f Makefile.dist && ./configure && make -j3 && make install

    Hope it helps!

  3. #3
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    I am having the same issues and just tried the suggested fix and still no luck.

  4. #4
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    it could just be the odd path that qt-2.3.2 is compiled into. i know i compiled my own qt-2.3.2 and placed it in /usr/lib/qt-2.3.2 and it works just fine. i know its a 2 or 3 hour "try" but that is what i would try :)

  5. #5
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    Ok am gettting the same message as in the start of the thread when I up date, and when I try your fix on the make distclean I get this error.

    *** No rule to make target 'distclean'. Stop

    have no idea how to recomplie the qt directory

  6. #6
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    so what you are saying is that you HAVE compiled showeq before, but now that you have tried updating it... it won't compile?

    the basic steps are as follows (w/o proper syntax or commands i'm sure)

    1.) make distclean (or make clean) #this basically sorta un-compiles it and hopefully keeps any old stuff from interfereing with your next compile. it is OKAY if it seems to fail, it just means that it didn't have to unmake anything

    2.) run a cvs -z3 update #this checks your files against the current cvs files (it gets this info from the CVS dir you are in) and if they have changed, it makes the changes to your file

    3.) export your environment. this includes gcc, g++, and qtdir #this basically lets ./configure and make know which files to use to compile and which libraries to look for...

    4.) make -f Makefile.dist && ./configure && make && make install #this is just the standard compile of showeq. the &&'s make it so that if the first thing worked, it does the next thing... if that worked it does the next thing... and so on. basically it means you type that one line and walk away and it SHOULD be done. if it fails, it doesn't bother doing the other stuff that it depends on (cause that would fail too).

  7. #7
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    Thank Goodnes for people that cant sleep

  8. #8
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    heheh, actually i work at night... so i sleep during the day :)

  9. #9
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    Ok nothing helped so far, I did a complete reinstall of RH 7.2 and install seq and go to do update and still get this same message. When I go to configure I get the same MOC message and this is after a fresh install and not doing any changong to the system. Need help here plz.

  10. #10
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    I had exact same problem. Existing SEQ installed, did a cvs update, barfed on ./configure with the MOC problem.

    I'm a Linux idiot but good at build/configuration crap, so I dove in and fixed it rather quickly.

    I think the problem is in the "configure" script file. There is a big loop that looks like this:

    for i in $ac_qt_bindir .... and lots of directories listed ...

    looks like a kinda *cough* hacky attempt at finding where your MOC binary is. At the end of the loop, there is a line:

    MOC = "$MOC/moc"

    That line is apparently NOT creating the correct path. So, I "commented out" the loop. I don't really know how to comment something out in a shell script (except maybe prefixing every line with a #, which I'm too lazy to do), so in front of the 'for' loop I added this line:

    if 0; then

    then after the second "done", and before the MOC= line, I added:


    Then after the MOC= line I added my own hardcoded path for MOC, determined by using "locate moc" from command line:


    The result of this chunk of script , with my additions in bold, looks like this:

    if 0; then
    for i in $ac_qt_bindir \
    for j in moc;


    edit: NOTE: there are actually TWO of those ac_qt_bindir loops. the SECOND LOOP is the one that I was breaking on. I just realized that this probably means my original idea of just adding /opt/bin as a path in the second loop would be a simpler fix. I tried adding it in the first loop and it didn't work. duh.
    Last edited by dogmeat; 03-21-2002 at 12:51 AM.

  11. #11
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    Oh and..

    by the way, neither "make distclean" nor "make clean" work for me either (same "no target found" message as above).

    And exporting MOC path from the shell doesn't work either. There is a line in the configure script that says MOC=NO right before the loop I mention, is that overriding "$MOC" ? That may be the whole problem. I dunno, I fixed it already my weird way.
    Last edited by dogmeat; 03-21-2002 at 12:46 AM.

  12. #12
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    I got this exact same message last night, I'm at work now so I can't try out the suggest fix in this thread. I noticed someone said something about putting QT in a different location than "the norm". Well, I was following a walkthrough...and I had to reconfigure the QTDIR in my environment table, so I think I may have mine in the abnormal directory also.

    Otherwise, any of you gurus have any other ideas? that's a loooong compile hehe.

  13. #13
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    Iam getting a segmentation string error now after running seq for awhile and it shuts down but still getting the MOC error

  14. #14
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    Unhappy OK

    Did just what Dog suggests and still seeing the error... UG any other ideas?

  15. #15
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    well, i dont know anything about linux, but ever since i started using rh 7.2 i've been following a set of install rules. it seems like the most common problem i see on the boards is QT related. and since the cheater in me wants to cheat in every game i can i keep my eyes open for little tricks. the install directions for odin's eye have the instructions to update QT to version 3.0.1 . now, i dunno if thats useful to these problems, but i havent seen any problems during any install or update for seq. try the update procedures for odin's eye, maybe that will help.

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