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Thread: Is Showeq working these days?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Great work guys, getting close.

    PC's don't despawn either. But I may have misunderstood the changes to everquest.h. When you say "PlayerProfile +4096 at 20196" does that mean you add 4096 to each subsequent line until 28568? Probably sounds like a stupid question, but if I just added 4096 and changed the end to 33784 with no other changes then 24292 would have been higher than the next number (was 22320).

    Sorry for the stupid question. Got map, got skittles, I'm happy.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluxcapacitor View Post
    OP_NpcMoveUpdate 5a4c
    OP_DeleteSpawn 3c58

    Either way, rename spawn is not working. Npcs dont turn into corpses.
    Rename spawn is something a little different... it applies to pets etc i.e. "Konarn" gets renamed to "Soandsos Pet." OP_Death is the opcode that turns mobs/players into corpses. That's another of the critical opcodes that I forgot to look for last night. I never left the lobby so missed that one. I believe we are looking for the following to get back to nominal functionality:

    OP_Death 5ebc
    OP_NpcMoveUpdate 5a4c

    Guessing on these two:
    OP_RemoveSpawn 4194
    OP_DeleteSpawn 3c58

    That should hold ya over until we can comb through the logs and rebuild the opcode puzzle.
    Last edited by fransick; 07-20-2012 at 04:52 AM. Reason: New opcodes

  3. #63
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    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Thanks for the updates and sorry for the dumbass question.
    Unfortunately I would appear to be a little stupid. I can understand the changes to zoneopcodes.xml but the everquest.h changes confuse me a little. I presume I should change these in the /src/ directory of the uncompiled code prior to recompiling but I'm not entirely sure what the "PlayerProfile +4096 at 20196" means .. for example in the curent everquest.h I have:
    /*20196*/ unit8_t unknown20196[2124]; // Added 1088 for HOT

    Should I modify this to simply increment 20196 by 4096 so getting:

    /*24292*/ unit8_t unknown20196[2124]; // Added 1088 for HOT

    Then recompile (./configure ; make ; make install)


    While I'm at it I'd like to be able to help with this stuff in the future. I notice that after logging in a SEQ coredumped I had the log entry:

    Warning OP_PlayerProfile (0x537c) (dataLen: 33784) doesn't match: sizeof(charProfileStruct):29688

    Now 33784-39688 is 4096 which is what you said needed to be added to PLayerProfile in everquest.h - is this the kind of information that's required to redo the OP Codes and Structs each time we have a patch?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluxcapacitor View Post
    This will at least get you maps. I don't understand where the new spawns come from, so no skittles. 6087 appears to be a new spawn opcode.


    OP_WearChange 3f55
    OP_MovementHistory 268c
    OP_PlayerProfile 537c
    OP_MobUpdate 5a05


    memspell +4 on end
    begin cast +2 on end
    PlayerProfile +4096 at 20196
    SpawnRename +64 on end

  4. #64
    Registered User
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    Oct 2002

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Change /*20196*/ unit8_t unknown20196[2124]; // Added 1088 for HOT to this /*20196*/ uint8_t unknown20196[6220]; // Added 1088 for HoT

    I believe the /*xxxxx*/ are just comments. It's not technically necessary, but for your own benefit, you should increment the subsequent comments to properly identify locations within the struct.

    The SpawnRename struct did not change, so ignore the "SpawnRename +64 on end" from my previous post. The opcode did change though. fransick has that in a previous post.
    Last edited by Fluxcapacitor; 07-20-2012 at 06:15 AM.

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fluxcapacitor View Post
    Change /*20196*/ unit8_t unknown20196[2124]; // Added 1088 for HOT to this /*20196*/ uint8_t unknown20196[6220]; // Added 1088 for HoT

    I believe the /*xxxxx*/ are just comments. It's not technically necessary, but for your own benefit, you should increment the subsequent comments to properly identify locations within the struct.
    Yes, I believe you are correct. I haven't found an easy way for redoing the comments so went through and did it by hand last night:

    /*20192*/ uint32_t  platinum_shared;             // Shared platinum pieces
    /*20196*/ uint8_t unknown20196[6220];            // Added 1088 for HoT
    /*26416*/ uint32_t  expansions;                  // Bitmask for expansions
    /*26420*/ uint8_t unknown22324[12];
    /*26432*/ uint32_t  autosplit;                   // 0 = off, 1 = on
    /*26436*/ uint8_t unknown22340[16];
    /*26452*/ uint16_t  zoneId;                      // see zones.h
    /*26454*/ uint16_t  zoneInstance;                // Instance id
    /*26456*/ uint8_t unknown22360[992];
    /*27488*/ uint32_t  leadAAActive;                // 0 = leader AA off, 1 = leader AA on
    /*27452*/ uint8_t unknown23356[4];
    /*27456*/ uint32_t  ldon_guk_points;             // Earned GUK points
    /*27460*/ uint32_t  ldon_mir_points;             // Earned MIR points
    /*27464*/ uint32_t  ldon_mmc_points;             // Earned MMC points
    /*27468*/ uint32_t  ldon_ruj_points;             // Earned RUJ points
    /*27472*/ uint32_t  ldon_tak_points;             // Earned TAK points
    /*27476*/ uint32_t  ldon_avail_points;           // Available LDON points
    /*27480*/ uint8_t unknown23384[144];
    /*27624*/ uint32_t  tributeTime;                 // Time remaining on tribute (millisecs)
    /*27628*/ uint32_t  careerTribute;               // Total favor points for this char
    /*27632*/ uint32_t  unknown23536;                // *** Placeholder
    /*27636*/ uint32_t  currentTribute;              // Current tribute points
    /*27640*/ uint32_t  unknown23544;                // *** Placeholder
    /*27644*/ uint32_t  tributeActive;               // 0 = off, 1=on
    /*27648*/ TributeStruct tributes[MAX_TRIBUTES];  // Current tribute loadout
    /*27688*/ uint8_t unknown23592[84];              // Added 208 bytes for HoT BETA
    /*27772*/ float     expGroupLeadAA;              // Current group lead exp points
    /*27776*/ uint32_t unknown23680;
    /*27780*/ float     expRaidLeadAA;               // Current raid lead AA exp points
    /*27784*/ uint32_t unknown23688;
    /*27788*/ uint32_t  groupLeadAAUnspent;          // Unspent group lead AA points
    /*27792*/ uint32_t  raidLeadAAUnspent;           // Unspent raid lead AA points
    /*27796*/ uint32_t  leadershipAAs[MAX_LEAD_AA];  // Leader AA ranks
    /*27924*/ uint8_t unknown23828[128];
    /*28052*/ uint32_t  airRemaining;                // Air supply (seconds)
    /*28056*/ uint8_t unknown23960[4608];
    /*32664*/ uint32_t  expAA;                       // Exp earned in current AA point
    /*32668*/ uint8_t unknown28572[40];
    /*32708*/ uint32_t  currentRadCrystals;          // Current count of radiant crystals
    /*32712*/ uint32_t  careerRadCrystals;           // Total count of radiant crystals ever
    /*32716*/ uint32_t  currentEbonCrystals;         // Current count of ebon crystals
    /*32720*/ uint32_t  careerEbonCrystals;          // Total count of ebon crystals ever
    /*32724*/ uint8_t   groupAutoconsent;            // 0=off, 1=on
    /*32725*/ uint8_t   raidAutoconsent;             // 0=off, 1=on
    /*32726*/ uint8_t   guildAutoconsent;            // 0=off, 1=on
    /*32727*/ uint8_t   unknown28631[5];             // ***Placeholder (6/29/2005)
    /*32732*/ uint32_t  showhelm;                    // 0=no, 1=yes
    /*32736*/ uint8_t   unknown28640[1048];          // ***Placeholder (2/13/2007)
    As someone who struggles with playerprofile struct changes, how do you figure out that the added bytes fell at 20196 and, say, not at the end of the struct? I look at that packet in the logs and just get overwhelmed at it's size and cannot map the data in it easily to the struct in everquest.h. Is there something I am missing? So want to learn that end of the puzzle!
    Last edited by fransick; 07-20-2012 at 06:24 AM.

  6. #66
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    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Thanks Fluxcapacitor that's got me skittles and mob listing which is my main concern. Just a quick question on the other additions to everquest.h - where you say "begin cast +2 on end" as there is currently no addition would that mean putting a new [2] at the end of the last line within the beginCastCode struct so where I currently have the last 2 lines as:

    /*0006*/ int16_t param2; // Parameter 2

    I should put [2] on to the end of the /*0008*/ line ?

    /*0006*/ int16_t param2; // Parameter 2
    /*0008*/ [2]



  7. #67
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by nicknaks View Post
    Thanks Fluxcapacitor that's got me skittles and mob listing which is my main concern. Just a quick question on the other additions to everquest.h - where you say "begin cast +2 on end" as there is currently no addition would that mean putting a new [2] at the end of the last line within the beginCastCode struct so where I currently have the last 2 lines as:

    /*0006*/ int16_t param2; // Parameter 2

    I should put [2] on to the end of the /*0008*/ line ?

    /*0006*/ int16_t param2; // Parameter 2
    /*0008*/ [2]


    Yes you are on the right track. It would look like:
    /*0010*/ uint8_t  unknown0010[2];                // *** Placeholder
    I haven't made the other changes to everquest.h Flux mentioned as I find getting/confirming the opcode first ensures I don't go hacking around everquest.h only to find the struct didn't match because I had the wrong opcode. that said, sometimes it's necessary to make struct changes first because without them you get seqfaults a la the playerprofile change this patch.

  8. #68
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    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Here is a combined list from fransick and me that will get you skittles, maps, select on target, buffs


    OP_WearChange 3f55
    OP_MovementHistory 268c
    OP_PlayerProfile 537c
    OP_MobUpdate 5a05
    OP_MemorizeSpell 2306
    OP_SpawnRename 7b71
    OP_Death 5ebc
    OP_NewZone 51ae
    OP_ZoneEntry 6087
    OP_TargetMouse 604d
    OP_DeleteSpawn 3c58
    OP_Consider 2a6d
    OP_Action 3237


    BeginCast +2 bytes of padding on end

    ** Spell Action Struct
    ** Length: 8 Octets
    ** OpCode: BeginCastCode
    struct beginCastStruct
    /*0000*/ uint16_t spawnId;                // Id of who is casting
    /*0002*/ uint16_t spellId;                // Id of spell
    /*0004*/ int16_t  param1;                 // Paramater 1
    /*0006*/ int16_t  param2;                 // Paramater 2
    /*0008*/ uint8_t  unknown0008[2];         // 7-19-2012
    PlayerProfile +4096 bytes of padding at 20196

    /*20196*/ uint8_t unknown20196[6220];   // Increased 7-19-2012

    Thanks to fransick for the opcodes and steering me in the right direction!
    Last edited by Fluxcapacitor; 07-20-2012 at 09:12 PM.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Things are looking good, thanks!!!

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Here's a mostly complete zoneopcodes.xml if anyone would be so kind to test it out. If it passes muster, I'll set about creating a new tarball with all the recent changes.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE seqopcodes SYSTEM "seqopcodes.dtd">
        <!-- Critical opcodes used directly by ShowEQ -->
        <opcode id="5a4c" name="OP_NpcMoveUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Position updates</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="268c" name="OP_MovementHistory" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Movement data... rewind info?</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3c58" name="OP_DeleteSpawn" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="deleteSpawnStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="6087" name="OP_ZoneEntry" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="client" typename="ClientZoneEntryStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <payload dir="server" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3cd6" name="OP_GuildMOTD" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="guildMOTDStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="321a" name="OP_InspectAnswer" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="inspectDataStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="604d" name="OP_TargetMouse" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Targeting a person - old ClientTargetCode</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="clientTargetStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="6f9d" name="OP_Shroud" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Server putting players into shroud form</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="spawnShroudSelf" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0479" name="OP_GroupInvite" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="groupInviteStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
            <comment>You invite someone while ungrouped or get invited by someone ungrouped </comment>
        <opcode id="083b" name="OP_GroupInvite2" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="client" typename="groupInviteStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
            <comment>You're inviting someone and you are grouped or get invited by a group</comment>
        <opcode id="9999" name="OP_GroupFollow" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="groupFollowStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
            <comment>You join a group or player joins group</comment>
        <opcode id="367b" name="OP_GroupFollow2" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="groupFollowStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
            <comment>Player joins your group</comment>
        <opcode id="6364" name="OP_GroupDisband" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>You disband from group</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="groupDisbandStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="367f" name="OP_GroupDisband2" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Other disbands from group</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="groupDisbandStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="6a9b" name="OP_GroupLeader" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Group leader change</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="groupLeaderChangeStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="132f" name="OP_GroupCancelInvite" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="groupDeclineStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
            <comment>Declining to join a group</comment>
        <opcode id="6d1f" name="OP_DzSwitchInfo" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Expedition compass etc</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="dzSwitchInfo" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2edd" name="OP_DzInfo" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Expedition Information</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="dzInfo" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0142" name="OP_FormattedMessage" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="formattedMessageStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3604" name="OP_SpawnDoor" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="doorStruct" sizechecktype="modulus"/>
        <opcode id="0736" name="OP_AAExpUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
          <comment>Receiving AA experience. Also when percent to AA changes.</comment>
          <payload dir="server" typename="altExpUpdateStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0c2b" name="OP_HPUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>NpcHpUpdateCode Update HP % of a PC or NPC</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="hpNpcUpdateStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="49e7" name="OP_GuildMemberUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Info regarding guild members</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="GuildMemberUpdate" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="7b71" name="OP_SpawnRename" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Spawns getting renamed after initial NewSpawn</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="spawnRenameStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="1f87" name="OP_SwapSpell" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="tradeSpellBookSlotsStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="50d0" name="OP_SimpleMessage" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="simpleMessageStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="47ea" name="OP_SpecialMesg" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Communicate textual info to client including hail responses etc</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="specialMessageStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2dc6" name="OP_RandomReq" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="client" typename="randomReqStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="440f" name="OP_ConsentResponse" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Server replying with consent information after /consent</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="consentResponseStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="7e45" name="OP_DenyResponse" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Server replying with deny information after /deny</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="consentResponseStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0643" name="OP_BazaarSearch" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="client" typename="bazaarSearchQueryStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
            <payload dir="server" typename="bazaarSearchResponseStruct" sizechecktype="modulus"/>
            <payload dir="server" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
            <comment>Bazaar search tool</comment>
        <opcode id="3f55" name="OP_SpawnUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="SpawnUpdateStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="3d00" name="OP_Stamina" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Server updating on hunger/thirst</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="staminaStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="2a6d" name="OP_Consider" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="considerStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="51ae" name="OP_NewZone" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="newZoneStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="1436" name="OP_GroundSpawn" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="makeDropStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
            <payload dir="client" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="4194" name="OP_RemoveSpawn" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Remove spawn from zone</comment>
        <payload dir="both" typename="removeSpawnStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="5ebc" name="OP_Death" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>old NewCorpseCode</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="newCorpseStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="6618" name="OP_ClickObject" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Items dropped on the ground</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="remDropStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="3237" name="OP_Action" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Spells cast etc</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="actionStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
            <payload dir="both" typename="actionAltStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="45d6" name="OP_Action2" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Combat actions i.e. bash, kick etc</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="action2Struct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="2b9d" name="OP_Illusion" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Spawn being illusioned (changing forms)</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="spawnIllusionStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="569e" name="OP_BuffFadeMsg" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="spellFadedStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="1b8a" name="OP_CastSpell" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="startCastStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="2306" name="OP_MemorizeSpell" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="memSpellStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="1044" name="OP_Emote" updated="07/18//12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="emoteTextStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="77a2" name="OP_RandomReply" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="randomStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="2917" name="OP_ManaChange" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Mana change. Bards send this up with no size. Casters receive this for mana updates.</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="manaDecrementStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
            <payload dir="client" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0cf7" name="OP_MoneyOnCorpse" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="moneyOnCorpseStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="537c" name="OP_PlayerProfile" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="charProfileStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="6015" name="OP_TimeOfDay" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="timeOfDayStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="7062" name="OP_ClientUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Position updates</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="playerSpawnPosStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
            <payload dir="both" typename="playerSelfPosStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0d5a" name="OP_BeginCast" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="beginCastStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="2e79" name="OP_CommonMessage" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="channelMessageStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="1191" name="OP_SkillUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Skill up code</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="skillIncStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="47d3" name="OP_SpawnAppearance" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="spawnAppearanceStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_ExpUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>ExpUpdateCode - opcode looks to be 71eb as of 07/18/12 but that value causes seg faults for some reason</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="expUpdateStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="221a" name="OP_LevelUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="levelUpUpdateStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="429b" name="OP_LeaderExpUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Leadership AA Exp Update</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="leadExpUpdateStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="5a05" name="OP_MobUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="both" typename="spawnPositionUpdate" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="37a7" name="OP_Trader" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>PC's turning trader on and off</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="bazaarTraderRequest" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="6bb9" name="OP_Consent" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>/consent someone</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="consentRequestStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="19a8" name="OP_ConsentDeny" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>/deny someone</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="consentRequestStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="38b0" name="OP_ItemPacket" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="itemPacketStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0322" name="OP_ItemLinkResponse" updated="07/18/12">
            <payload dir="server" typename="itemInfoStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
            <payload dir="client" typename="itemInfoReqStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="43ac" name="OP_EnvDamage" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Environmental Damage</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="environmentDamageStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="70ec" name="OP_SetRunMode" updated="07/28/12">
            <comment>old cRunToggleCode</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="cRunToggleStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_WearChange" updated="03/23/12">
            <comment>Armor changes or give a pet a weapon (model changes)</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="SpawnUpdateStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <!-- Not necessary for SEQ to run but here to name packets in logs. -->
        <opcode id="5d32" name="OP_GroupUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Group member names - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3ba3" name="OP_UIUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Seems to be sent to handle a variety of UI updates - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2cc9" name="OP_GroupMemberList" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>List of group members - 187 bytes but probably variable</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="5f8d" name="OP_GuildMemberList" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>List of guild members - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="5f51" name="OP_ManaUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
        <comment>Mana Update opcode - 10 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="399f" name="OP_EndUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
        <comment>Endurance Update opcode - 10 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="12db" name="OP_Marketplace" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Marketplace data - Guessing variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2a8e" name="OP_MarketplaceSelect" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Sent when highlighting an item in Marketplace - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="7f72" name="OP_DzMembers" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Expedition Members - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0d5f" name="OP_Campfire" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Fellowship campfire information - 1076 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="162d" name="OP_SelectCampfire" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Fellowship campfire Choices - Guessing variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="7866" name="OP_Claims" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Contents of claims window - Guessing variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="4dd9" name="OP_VoiceChat" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Voice chat server info - Variable length (Data sent when joining group,raid etc)</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="30fa" name="OP_PollQuestions" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>SOE in-game player poll questions - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2bba" name="OP_PollResponses" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Poll response choices - 1004 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="5fa8" name="OP_ShroudProgression" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Unlocked shrouds - 244 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2071" name="OP_ShroudTemplates" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Shroud templates to choose from on shroud NPC - 19008 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="322a" name="OP_Fellowship" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Fellowship information - 2552 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="654f" name="OP_ExpandedGuildInfo" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Guild ranks and other misc guild data - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="5933" name="OP_GuildBank" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Guild bank contents - Guessing variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3a75" name="OP_OpenTradeskillContainer" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Opens forge, kiln etc - 92 Bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3ec7" name="OP_TradeskillRecipes" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Learned recipes - 84 Bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_TradeSkillCombine" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Tradeskill combine using new tradeskill window - 40 Bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="4212" name="OP_TradeSkillCombineOld" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Tradeskill combine using old tradeskill window - 24 Bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="41b5" name="OP_ItemPlayerPacket" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Inventory/bank items coming over during zone - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2d25" name="OP_TaskDescription" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Task descriptions coming down for task window - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2ac1" name="OP_TaskActivity" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Task activity descriptions coming down for task window - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="72ad" name="OP_CompletedTasks" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Task history for task window - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="766f" name="OP_CustomTitles" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>List of available titles - 1520 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="7f56" name="OP_Animation" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Combat animation, emote animations etc - 4 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="4502" name="OP_WhoAllRequest" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>WhoAllReqCode - 156 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2e67" name="OP_WhoAllResponse" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>WhoAllOutputCode - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="570c" name="OP_InspectRequest" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>InspectRequestCode - 8 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2444" name="OP_GetGuildMOTD" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Request guildMOTD - 648 Bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="1031" name="OP_TradeRequest" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>You request trade session - 8 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="4981" name="OP_TradeRequest2" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Someone requests a trade session with you or trade is cancelled - 8 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="442b" name="OP_TradeDeny" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Target not ready to trade - 12 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3aff" name="OP_TradeRequestAck" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Trade request recipient is acknowledging they are able to trade - 8 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="4ffe" name="OP_CancelTrade" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Cancel a trade window - 0 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3d86" name="OP_FinishTrade" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Trade is over - 12 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0ed5" name="OP_TradeCoins" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>You put coins put in a trade window - 20 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3c27" name="OP_TradeCoins2" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Someone else puts coins put in your trade window - 12 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3ff6" name="OP_TradeAcceptClick" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>One side clicks Accept on the trade 8 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3c66" name="OP_ItemLinkClick" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Click on itemlinks - 48 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="49b8" name="OP_EndLootRequest" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>DoneLootingCode - 4 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="28c8" name="OP_LootItem" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Loot item from corpse - 20 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="47ae" name="OP_Track" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Tracking data - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_TraderShop" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>OpenTraderCode right-click on a trader in bazaar - 16 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>        
        <opcode id="4885" name="OP_AutoAttack" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Attack on/off - 4 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="73d6" name="OP_AutoAttack2" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Attack on/off appears to be same as OP_AutoAttack - 4 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="7b05" name="OP_ClickDoor" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>DoorOpenCode click request from client - 16 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3969" name="OP_MoveDoor" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>DoorClickCode response from server - 2 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="7452" name="OP_MoveItem" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Client moving an item from one slot to another - 28 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0507" name="OP_TraderBuy" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>buy from a trader in bazaar</comment>
        <opcode id="00bc" name="OP_LootRequest" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>LootCorpseCode - 4 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="243b" name="OP_Jump" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>JumpCode - 0 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="1318" name="OP_TGB" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Client telling server to set targetgroupbuff - 4 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="45d7" name="OP_Lockouts" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Client requesting lockouts - 0 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0bd0" name="OP_WelcomeScreenURL" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>URLs for the welcome screen window - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="1fbd" name="OP_RaidInvite" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Client side raid invite requests 140 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="2bad" name="OP_RaidJoin" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Server side raid information - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="1ebb" name="OP_Feedback" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Client sending feedback to server - 1148 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="5b0b" name="OP_GuildsList" updated="03/23/12">
            <comment>Listing of all guilds</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="5fb8" name="OP_LFGGetMatchesRequest" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>LFG/LFP client request - 16 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="1890" name="OP_LFGGetMatchesResponse" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>LFG/LFP server response - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="069e" name="OP_MercenaryList" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Listing of hired mercenaries - 427 bytes
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/></comment>
        <opcode id="226b" name="OP_ClickInventory" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Click items from inventory or armor - 16 bytes 5th byte is Slot ID</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="178c" name="OP_ClickInventoryAck" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Server acknowledges click from inventory or armor - 20 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3e50" name="OP_BuffWindow" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Changes to buff window or song window - 100 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="5bad" name="OP_ClickBuffOff" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Client clicks off buff - 8 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="7961" name="OP_HouseAddress" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>House and guildhall address information - Variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="7cbe" name="OP_HouseContents" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Server sending house information and contents - variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3d24" name="OP_FriendsList" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Server sending friends list contents - variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="4552" name="OP_Rewards" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Server sending pending rewards - variable length</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="000c" name="OP_FTPNags" updated="7/18/12">
            <comment>Free to play nags and other data - 1852 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="50c1" name="OP_Find" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Find window data - 112 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="7092" name="OP_ConsiderCorpse" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>ConCorpseCode - 20 bytes</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="9ca5" name="OP_TributeUpdate" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>Tribute and trophy skills - Variable length</comment>
            <!-- Below are used to help make sense of the logs when searching for opcodes
                 Using these marks unknown opcodes in logs for easier reading  -->
        <opcode id="2018" name="OP_Unknown1" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>3 byte opcode that spam logs. Marked here to make reading logs easier</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="3f49" name="OP_Unknown2" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>3 byte opcode that spam logs. Marked here to make reading logs easier</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="7fd2" name="OP_Unknown3" updated="07/18/12">
            <comment>3 byte opcode that spam logs. Marked here to make reading logs easier</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
            <!-- Below are unverified -->
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_Buff" updated="11/15/11">
            <comment>old BuffDropCode</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="buffStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_ZoneChange" updated="04/18/11">
            <comment>old ZoneChangeCode</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="zoneChangeStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_CorpseLocResponse" updated="06/12/09">
            <comment>old CorpseLocCode:</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="corpseLocStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_SendZonePoints" updated="10/15/10">
            <comment>Coords in a zone that will port you to another zone</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="zonePointsStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="24D8" name="OP_RequestZoneChange" updated="10/20/07">
            <comment>Send by server when a click causes zone. Also, origin</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="requestZoneChangeStruct" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_Logout" updated="10/21/09">
            <payload dir="server" typename="none" sizechecktype="match"/>
        <opcode id="097f" name="OP_WelcomeScreenTitle" updated="05/16/11">
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_VeteranRewards" update="04/18/11">
        <opcode id="3B85" name="OP_SendAATable" updated="08/12/09">
        <opcode id="5832" name="OP_SendAAStats" updated="08/12/09">
        <opcode id="4d38" name="OP_AckPacket" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>Appears to be generic ack at the presentation level</comment>
        <opcode id="70a5" name="OP_Weather" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>old WeatherCode</comment>
        <opcode id="5417" name="OP_ReqNewZone" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>Client requesting NewZone_Struct</comment>
        <opcode id="45d2" name="OP_ReqClientSpawn" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>Client requesting spawn data</comment>
        <opcode id="0000" name="OP_SendExpZonein" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>Both directions. Negotiating sending of exp info.</comment>
        <opcode id="0a4f" name="OP_AAAction" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>Used for changing percent, buying? and activating skills</comment>
        <opcode id="7038" name="OP_SetServerFilter" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>Client telling server /filter information</comment>
        <opcode id="3854" name="OP_ClientReady" updated="03/14/07">
        <opcode id="6774" name="OP_GuildTributeStatus" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>Guild tribute stats send on zone</comment>
        <opcode id="28c1" name="OP_GuildTributeInfo" updated="06/13/06">
            <comment>Guild tribute loadout, only if on</comment>
        <opcode id="063b" name="OP_RespawnWindow" updated="03/14/07">
          <comment>Server telling client enough to populate the respawn window when you die</comment>
        <opcode id="314f" name="OP_InitialMobHealth" updated="06/27/12">
            <comment>Initial health sent when a player clicks on the mob. Subsequent updated will be OP_MobHealth</comment>
        <opcode id="311a" name="OP_MobHealth" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>health sent when a player clicks on the mob</comment>
        <opcode id="16c1" name="OP_DeltaCheck" updated="03/14/07">
            <comment>Client sending server delta information.</comment>
        <opcode id="61ac" name="OP_LoadSpellSet" updated="02/13/07">
            <comment>/mem spellsetname</comment>
        <opcode id="00de" name="OP_Dye" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="31c2" name="OP_Consume" updated="12/07/05">
            <comment>Client force feeding food/drink</comment>
            <payload dir="client" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="13e7" name="OP_Begging" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="68ac" name="OP_LFGCommand" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>old LFGReqCode</comment>
        <opcode id="7ac3" name="OP_Bug" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="5c06" name="OP_Save" updated="04/19/06">
            <comment>Client asking server to save user state</comment>
        <opcode id="2eeb" name="OP_Camp" updated="02/13/07">
            <comment>old cStartCampingCode</comment>
        <opcode id="fe13" name="OP_ShopPlayerSell" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>old SellItemCode</comment>
        <opcode id="10a1" name="OP_PetCommands" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="1103" name="OP_SaveOnZoneReq" updated="03/14/07">
        <opcode id="7e03" name="OP_ShopEnd" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>old CloseVendorCode</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="5666" name="OP_SenseTraps" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="05ac" name="OP_SenseHeading" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>old cSenseHeadingCode</comment>
        <opcode id="528F" name="OP_LootComplete" updated="12/07/05">
            <comment>old sDoneLootingCode</comment>
        <opcode id="10A6" name="OP_Split" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="4668" name="OP_Surname" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="45f9" name="OP_ShopRequest" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>old OpenVendorCode</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="unknown" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0f8e" name="OP_FaceChange" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="4312" name="OP_Sneak" updated="06/29/05">
            <comment>Clicked sneak</comment>
        <opcode id="6f64" name="OP_Hide" updated="06/29/05">
        <opcode id="34e8" name="OP_DisarmTraps" updated="05/11/05">
            <comment>Clicked disarm traps</comment>
        <opcode id="7c33" name="OP_Forage" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>old ForageCode</comment>
        <opcode id="4298" name="OP_BoardBoat" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="67c9" name="OP_LeaveBoat" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="35a6" name="OP_LFPGetMatchesRequest" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="6980" name="OP_GMKill" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>GM /kill - Insta kill mob/pc</comment>
        <opcode id="17a2" name="OP_GuildPublicNote" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="61ef" name="OP_YellForHelp" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="0af6" name="OP_ShopPlayerBuy" updated="05/11/05">
            <comment>old BuyItemCode</comment>
        <opcode id="6f82" name="OP_LFPCommand" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>looking for players</comment>
        <opcode id="3838" name="OP_ConfirmDelete" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>Client sends this to server to confirm op_deletespawn</comment>
        <opcode id="0375" name="OP_Report" updated="06/29/05">
        <opcode id="40b6" name="OP_TargetCommand" updated="02/13/07">
            <comment>Target user</comment>
        <opcode id="212d" name="OP_LFPGetMatchesResponse" updated="02/13/07">
        <opcode id="1089" name="OP_FindPersonRequest" updated="02/13/07">
            <comment>Control-F Find</comment>
        <opcode id="71b1" name="OP_FindResponse" updated="02/13/07">
            <comment>Response to control-F</comment>
        <opcode id="23a1" name="OP_GMLastName" updated="10/27/05">
            <comment>GM /lastname - Change user lastname</comment>
        <opcode id="14ef" name="OP_Mend" updated="10/27/05">
        <opcode id="1ffa" name="OP_MendHPUpdate" updated="05/11/05">
        <opcode id="4775" name="OP_TributeInfo" updated="02/13/07">
            <comment>Tribute information</comment>
    <!-- OLD OPCODES. These haven't been mapped in a post 1/26/2005 world. If you
         can find any of these in the current stream, please update them and let
         us know!
        <opcode id="1900" name="OP_ZoneSpawns" updated="05/29/08">
            <comment>old ZoneSpawnsCode</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="spawnStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0020" name="OP_GMServers" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /servers - ?</comment>
        <opcode id="790e" name="OP_GMKick" updated="01/26/05">
            <comment>GM /kick - Boot player</comment>
        <opcode id="0068" name="OP_Petition" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0074" name="OP_GMBecomeNPC" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /becomenpc - Become an NPC</comment>
        <opcode id="0076" name="OP_PetitionCheckout" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>Petition Checkout</comment>
        <opcode id="007e" name="OP_PetitionCheckIn" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>Petition Checkin</comment>
        <opcode id="688f" name="OP_PetitionResolve" updated="05/11/05">
            <comment>Client Petition Resolve Request</comment>
        <opcode id="0165" name="OP_DeletePetition" updated="01/26/05">
            <comment>Player /deletepetition</comment>
        <opcode id="0082" name="OP_PetitionQue" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM looking at petitions</comment>
        <opcode id="0090" name="OP_PetitionUnCheckout" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0097" name="OP_GMSearchCorpse" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /searchcorpse - Search all zones for named corpse</comment>
        <opcode id="009a" name="OP_GuildPeace" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="00a4" name="OP_GuildWar" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="00a7" name="OP_GuildLeader" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="00b6" name="OP_ApplyPoison" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="00da" name="OP_GMInquire" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /inquire - Search soulmark data</comment>
        <opcode id="00dc" name="OP_GMSoulmark" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /praise /warn - Add soulmark comment to user file</comment>
        <opcode id="00de" name="OP_GMHideMe" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /hideme - Remove self from spawn lists and make invis</comment>
        <opcode id="00ef" name="OP_SafePoint" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="010b" name="OP_GMGoto" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /goto - Transport to another loc</comment>
        <opcode id="012d" name="OP_BindWound" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0132" name="OP_GuildRemove" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="013b" name="OP_GMTraining" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>old OpenGMCode</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="013c" name="OP_GMEndTraining" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0152" name="OP_MoveCash" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0160" name="OP_Taunt" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>old ConsumeCode</comment>
        <opcode id="016c" name="OP_Stun" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0175" name="OP_GMTrainSkill" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>old SkillTrainCode</comment>
        <opcode id="0178" name="OP_GMEndTrainingResponse" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>old CloseGMCode</comment>
            <payload dir="both" typename="uint8_t" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="0183" name="OP_GMZoneRequest" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="018f" name="OP_BecomePK" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0197" name="OP_SetDataRate" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>Client sending datarate.txt value</comment>
        <opcode id="0198" name="OP_GMDelCorpse" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0199" name="OP_Sacrifice" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="01af" name="OP_GMApproval" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /approval - Name approval duty?</comment>
        <opcode id="01b2" name="OP_GMToggle" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /toggle - Toggle ability to receive tells from other PC's</comment>
        <opcode id="01bc" name="OP_MoneyUpdate" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="01ba" name="OP_ReqZoneObjects" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>Client requesting zone objects</comment>
        <opcode id="01c4" name="OP_Translocate" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="01ea" name="OP_RespondAA" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="01ed" name="OP_IncreaseStats" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="01ef" name="OP_ViewPetition" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>Player /viewpetition</comment>
        <opcode id="01ff" name="OP_ExpansionSetting" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0205" name="OP_GainMoney" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0225" name="OP_GMZoneRequest2" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>/zone 2</comment>
        <opcode id="0245" name="?" implicitlen="6" updated="07/14/04">
            <comment>Unknown, but has implicit length</comment>
        <opcode id="0261" name="OP_CrashDump" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0263" name="OP_GuildDemote" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="0264" name="OP_ZoneUnavail" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="028b" name="OP_GMSummon" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /summon - Summon PC to self</comment>
        <opcode id="0296" name="OP_ItemTextFile" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>old BookTextCode</comment>
            <payload dir="server" typename="bookTextStruct" sizechecktype="none"/>
        <opcode id="029e" name="OP_OpenObject" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="028e" name="OP_GMEmoteZone" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>GM /emotezone - Send zonewide emote</comment>
        <opcode id="0296" name="OP_ReadBook" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="02b4" name="OP_SummonCorpse" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="02cc" name="OP_ShopItem" updated="05/26/04">
            <comment>Merchant Item data</comment>
        <opcode id="02d0" name="OP_AdventureRequest" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="02d1" name="OP_AdventureMerchantResponse" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="02d2" name="OP_AdventureMerchantPurchase" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="02e2" name="OP_AdventurePointsUpdate" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="02ef" name="OP_Adventure" updated="05/26/04">
        <opcode id="1ee8" name="OP_CombatAbility" updated="02/15/05">

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    It seems to be working fine for me, fransick.

  12. #72
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Looks good to me. Now that I have figured out how to discover opcodes, I can truly appreciate all the work that goes into a full tarball.

    Thanks fransick!!!!

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Heading out of town for work this week so a complete tarball will have to wait until this weekend. Good news is it sounds like things are working so it should just be an exercise in uploading. Glad it is workin well for y'all!

    I have 4 more opcodes to find and the list is completely updated. Annotating the number of bytes in the opcode comments certainly made it easier to update this time around. I am half tempted to change all the "XX Octets" comments in everquest.h to "size: XX" so my editor finds will work in both everquest.h and the log captures. The whole process is tedious for someone like me that cannot find them any other way but grinding through logs.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Boy I sure hope todays patch is only backend, login server stuff... the thought of having to redo opcodes again is too much to bear, haha. I'll have time this weekend to tarball the changes finally and get them uploaded. Work keeps getting in the way of recreation!

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Is Showeq working these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by fransick View Post
    Boy I sure hope todays patch is only backend, login server stuff... the thought of having to redo opcodes again is too much to bear, haha. I'll have time this weekend to tarball the changes finally and get them uploaded. Work keeps getting in the way of recreation!
    One of the big reasons I went to myseq was due to long time to find opcodes. If I only had 30 min, I wanted to use it to play. Now when i am not getting an hour to play a week, it is worse. So my dev time has gone to nothing too. Someday I will have free time again.


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